Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Steps To Doing A Chinese Bang With Straight Hair

relics of St. Daria

as Onet Onet - comes alive with rare and interesting news transmitted a few days late. So it was even a few days ago, when riding a train in the Easter Monday displays a me Reggio Emilia that unearthed the remains of the holy pair. And actually not been excavated, but was completed research in the field of dating szkielecików two - one male and one belonging to a woman. Of this we may look like scenes from the two saints were already half a year ago on the blog post about the scenery Romance ( link ). This time, however, we focus on one of the few pairs of saints, which exist in Christian culture - St. Daria and St. Chryzancie. It is because of these bodies were found in środkowowłoskiej cathedral. And what about this Onet is common? Well, the Polish news portal, has appeared on 25 April and 19 April have had time to issue of National Geographic documentary about the discovery as one of the sponsors of the restoration of the cathedral. As you can see, the Polish portals are once again far behind their counterparts overseas media ...

Chrysanthus and daria

But the thing! Festivals Daria is one of those saints, they know everybody, but few know why she died in 283, the woman received the prestigious title of martyr. It is because this was a vestal, who converted to Christianity, her husband (hence the It also shows, together with Saint. Chrysanthemums), patroness of judges and courts, so I figure my profession very close to me. Her death, however, did not look that way, as it presented on the enclosed fifteenth-century illustration by Richard de Montbaston or any of his colleagues. A scene from "Life of the saints" of the French illuminator seems to be the stamp to the borders - as ignoring the behavior of perpetrators kneel and discover each other about their love and devotion. In the background, and placed the king, who was to deprive them of life (for many centuries, accept that he was the emperor Numerian, although probably the two saints commanded to kill his brother Karinus współrządzący Rome in this period). And the executioners themselves forward in any way deviate ago, as depicted in the scenes of the Flagellation of Jesus or other holy martyrdom. Excessive gestures, facial expression as if suffering from tonsillar hypertrophy and finally used by these tools clearly indicate that the convention portraying such scenes did not give a lot of boxes to show off and originality of the individual authors. A pity, because as I mentioned St. happening. Daria is quite unusual.

św. daria - ikona xix-wieczna

We discovered the remains described in the introduction, the cult of St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums actually been marginalized within the Catholic church. Without the problem of the two saints is true that we find in the liturgical calendar (October 25), it is not such events, such as "Barbórka" and "Midsummer's Eve." Indeed veneration had its apogee in the first millennium of Christianity, and the late eleventh and twelfth centuries, even moved out of the Alps. Today, however, is much more important holidays the role of the cult and iconography of the Orthodox Church (as shown on the attached next to the nineteenth-century icon - St. Daria is a woman most left), and Armenian. So the information stored mention St. Daria, allegedly lost her life with her husband in 283, the earlier was a vestal, but after a period of compulsory virginity (as befits a priestess of Vesta), had a grasp of her husband and his small group probably born patrician children. Then as one of potential candidates for her hand (and gusts lust and greed, and probably the rest of the body) appeared Chrysanthemums, a patrician son of the Egyptian, who moved to Rome with his father. It was in this city is aware of the "Bible" and even was baptized by a priest named Karpoforus.

Obviously this was met with the wrath of his father, who like in other szwarccharakterów of "Lives of the saints" spared no effort, and money to pull his son from the love of a decent and ... virginity. To this end, also had a teenage son to bring in prostitutes (o tempora, the mores!), And when and it failed arranged marriage with a vestal. This did not prevent But this in no way Chryzantowi, who convinced Daria to the Christian faith, and even to the fact that both lived in a state of "deterioration," the obscenity of the acts of love (how many more synonyms for the loss of virginity, I can come up in this text for the coloration of expression ...) . But when it seemed that both are Christians fell into the greedy and brutal paws tribune Claudius, who tortured and perseverance moved with his family adopted the new faith.

hans memling - czystość (ok. 1475)

interesting to see whether a further stage in the history of St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums had an impact on the creation of iconographic theme, almost an allegory of purity, which in the image above shows the figure of Hans Memling ("Clean", c. 1475). As you can see, access to women is difficult, and watch over her two heraldic lions with typical facial expressions of this period, indicating that the artists usually do not see these animals in the eyes. Analogous treatment because there are mouths and on CD-Visscherowskich, and contemporary books about the world and its dziwach. In any event, we are interested in a lonely woman in rock. According to the legend of St. George. Darya, once the emperor shrift of Claudius (stands drowned, his wife and children to the galleys), the hare finally decided the other prisoners. Seeing the love of purity in the patron saint of judges forced her to ensure that this was a prostitute and this is how her husband broke the vows. The plan, however, burned to nothing, because St. Daria began to guard the two lions, which as you might guess were able to bite off little something potentially interested men (I could not find the information, unfortunately, from where they did the lions - or can, for example St. Daria befriended with them in prison where they were buried, after such animals for entertainment purposes, including the shredding of Christians).

Ultimately, the two saints put on trial Numeri (or what I have said probably Karinus) and he decided that they stoned, but before I die buried alive. So it was done (so wrong to Richard de Montbaston showing a sword and an ax), and the body was placed near the katakumbów on Via Salaria. This raises the obvious question: how come nearly complete skeletons Fulcheri Enzo Italian researcher from the University of Genoa found in the cathedral of the city known to all Poles as the place of laying the words "national anthem"? To explain the "travel" from the relics of revered late antiquity and the Middle Ages.

katedra w reggio emilia

presented next to the facade of the cathedral in Reggio Emilia once you see an interesting character of this building, and thus built in the Romanesque style building, which was then about 1275 renowowano to finally give it a Baroque style, both on the main facade, and above all of the interior. Of course, most tourists probably draws attention to the portal sculptures of Adam and Eve, each of which guides oprowadzających the city says that clearly refer to the figures from the Medici tomb of Michelangelo. However, we are the more interesting discoveries inside. Two years ago (in 2009) found there, fourth-century pavement, so presumably the church stands on the site much earlier. But it can be assumed that it was moved here from Rome, both remnant saints? Dating does not give grounds for doing so more because "be shot" between 80 and 340 AD, is quite disputes, but it is known that a woman whose skeleton was found, was already early twenties, and was probably still a virgin. On the other hand, as complete relics are something so unique that their worship had to be planted soon after the death of people who have been found. And on their conservation status is received, that from the tenth century had been kept in the cathedral treasury, placed in a silver-gold busts.


To the ninth century, the cult of St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums seems to focus only in the neighborhood of Rome, and there is not much information about his popularity outside the city. So clearly this is a typical argument against classifying the findings in Reggio as debris this pair. However, at the end of the first millennium, the relics began to "travel" to Europe, therefore, that their portion was transferred to the Rhineland in the Prüm abbey, founded in 720, the more this is the place appears to be particularly interesting, although generally you will find information that some of the remains of St. Daria located in Vienna, Salzburg and Naples. Ok. 836 Abbot, Markwardt from this abbey founded a branch monastery in Münstereifel (away suddenly 50 km north-east), which is then at the beginning of the twelfth century it was rebuilt in the style of a prominent the illustration above. It is in these towns are relics of these saints, as evidenced by the call illustrated next to the church (a beautiful westwerk!) Is dedicated to St. Daria and St. Chryzantowi. So it would be useful to see how they fit to what was found in Reggio Emilia. But it was not the only place outside of the Alps, where such debris could be found. It is known that "borrowed" them on a trip to Jerusalem Fulk III the Black in 1011, then forgave himself strongly supported by the abbey Belli Locus (out of Beaulieu-les-Loches), which mainly focused was on the worship of the Holy Sepulchre.

As you can see, then, sitting in the front paws in the distance during the following this year's "El Classico" I have serious doubts as to whether they are having about 1700, said the skeletons belong to the two saints. I'm not a fan of a situation in which there is something and a total of podpasować can only form St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums, because no other Christian couple do not correspond to discovery. You can, however, that these are indeed the remains of the remains of these saints, which does not change the fact that, and so should be treated with appropriate respect for the dead. Personally, I getcha down slightly so that if the remains prove to be false, then you will have to somehow get rid of them, "just to destroy them" (as stated by the Bishop of Reggio). Well, such is the history of the bones, they cease to be the relics, and become usual archaeological discovery ...


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