Investing in the future
The prices of many commodities have risen in recent months and some have already reached the level of mid-2008. At the same time, the debate has gained a rapid nuclear phase not only in Germany momentum. No question: This is energy generated in the future not only safe but also affordable remains are alternatives needed. Many of them are also suitable as an investment theme.
with green cars around the world. End of January broke some green Mercedes-BKlasse models for a trip around the globe. started in Stuttgart, toured the so-called F-Cell cars in the World Drive first through Europe, the USA and Canada, before it went to Australia. Special feature: The cars are powered by fuel cells and hydrogen refuel. This example shows that a rethink of energy policy is in full swing. Regardless of whether politicians, entrepreneurs or consumers - everyone knows that is no longer especially cheap oil available in sufficient quantity. The price for a barrel of "black gold" has skipped the $ 100 mark long again. The reason lies in the growing demand. The emerging markets are returned quickly after the financial crisis on the growth path. And the Western industrial nations recover. On the other hand, the supply is limited. If it comes to funding problems, such as by an accident on an oil rig or how current political disputes in North Africa, may have an impact on the price that quickly.

from the trend toward more clean energy can also benefit investors - not just since yesterday. Goldman Sachs issued in 2007, various open-end certificates on indices from this area. They are now more than ever brought to the attention of investors. A possible trend is called LNG stands for liquefied natural gas, liquefied natural gas that is. Some countries have already increased their deliveries to Japan. Also in Europe, demand is forecast to rise when many governments should focus on the construction of gas power plants instead of nuclear power. As a result, could put the price of natural gas. Even before the nuclear disaster, Japan was the largest Importer of LNG. In 2009, gas consumption was 87.4 billion cubic meters. This is equivalent to 64 million tonnes of LNG. By the downed Japan needs nuclear power plants in addition to expert estimates, about 13 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Much of it is covered with LNG expected because LPG can be transported relatively easily in large quantities. To transport natural gas as LNG is cooled to -161 degrees Celsius, because at this temperature reached the main component of methane's boiling point. In huge LNG is liquefied natural gas gradually and then stored in special tanks. Later, following the loading on specially designed tankers. Due to the liquefaction of natural gas takes only about one six hundredth of its original volume. Specifically, a liter of liquid gas equivalent to about 614 liters of natural gas. Thanks to this huge, huge quantities of natural gas compression in special tankers to be transported long distances. Once there, the liquid raw material is recycled back into the gaseous state, compressed and re-fed into a natural gas pipeline.
in other countries could increase the demand for LNG. Only by the decision, old reactors for safety temporarily from the network is missing, such as capacities in Germany. By an increasing demand for LPG are expected to benefit not only the natural gas production companies, but also the manufacturers of liquefaction plants, manufacturers of gas turbines, and ship operators. Investors who want to participate in the LNG business, can make targeted investments in the sector.
private investors can benefit with open-end certificates from this trend. Together with Standard & Poor's Goldman Sachs calculated the COMERGIX LNG Index, which covers the entire value chain of the LNG industry. The index comprises the most important and most liquid stocks in the sector. Currently there are
28 companies associated with the construction of the LNG infrastructure, the LNG trade, and are involved in the operation of tankers, liquefaction and evaporation systems. The shares of LNG companies are depending on their market capitalization in the index. Once a year - on the third Friday in September - the composition of the index sponsor, Standard and Poor's is checked. Due to the relatively simple structure, investors with the open-end certificate to Goldman Sachs can roughly 1:1 participate in the development of LNG COMERGIX index.
The structure of the open-end certificates is relatively simple. Increases the base value of an open-end certificate by 5%, so does the value of the certificate, which must be adjusted even though the annual management fee has increased by 5%. By 1:1 participation structure, the investor can easily keep track of how much his certificate is worth at any given time. Since the underlying index is calculated in euro, the investor incurred during the holding period relative to the underlying no exchange rate risks.
While it is LNG a proven energy source that is treated in a special form, combines the DAXglobal ® Alternative Energy Index shares of companies in the fields of alternative and renewable energy . The index is calculated by Deutsche Börse in
€ and includes the shares of the world's 15 largest companies in this area. In each case, three companies from one of the five energy sectors wind, solar, natural gas, ethanol and geothermal
(geothermal). The companies have in this sector - this is the prerequisite for their inclusion in the index - achieve their greatest share of sales. All five sectors are equally weighted in the index - within each sector, the companies qualified by their market capitalization and the average, daily trading turnover of over 1 million U.S. dollars. Well-known companies in the index are Archer Daniels Midland, Vestas Wind, Iberdrola or composite. Goldman Sachs offers an open-end certificate on the DAXglobal ® Alternative Energy Price Index, which reflects the price movements of the index members, but not the dividends.
During COMERGIX LNG and bundle the DAXglobal ® Alternative Energy Index, the stocks of companies in the fields of alternative energy, says the S & P Global Eco Index, the ecology wider. The index comprises the 30 largest and most liquid companies the environmental sector will be classified according to their environmental priorities into one of four sectors. A distinction is made in the "clean energy" between energy producers and manufacturers of green power equipment. The sector "water" is divided into two divisions-water equipment and water utilities and infrastructure, so there are together with the two areas of "forest" and "environmental services" a total of six sub-segments, a diversified investment in the topic Ecology permit. Water: The world has much of the population lack access to clean water. Just to the basic daily needs such as food, to meet drinking and sanitation are huge amounts of water needed. If one includes all areas - including agriculture (food production) or thermal power stations - that the global average water consumption amounts to about 2,700 liters a day per capita. Here, the majority of the water for food production is used in agriculture. Because of the growing world population, the demand for basic foodstuffs such as corn, wheat or soybeans will increase. Because from the need to expand the acreage is expected to increase the water consumption. Thus, a better water supply, especially in the emerging Markets urgently needed. The increasing urbanization will require investment in water infrastructure. In Western Europe and North America are
extensive renovation investments in this sector. For companies that are active in the fields of water supply and sanitation, infrastructure and water treatment, may therefore result
attractive growth opportunities. Clean energy: Many governments are trying to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Since classical primary sources such as oil and natural gas
in recent years, massively expensive, so are electricity rates have risen.
the same time, technological advances led to that electricity production from wind turbines or photovoltaic became more efficient. This would make alternative energy sources in future a greater contribution to the energy mix. Benefit from this trend, companies that manufacture equipment for alternative energy such as wind turbines or solar cells. But also run power generators, wind or solar farms, are among the winners. Wood and Forest: The rise in energy prices has also helped fuel the wood to a renaissance. Modern wood burning systems work much more effective today than it was several decades ago. Except in the demand for energy is also interesting as wood construction and raw material For example, the furniture or in paper production. The economic boom in emerging markets, leading to an increased focus on the cities requires huge amounts of wood. Even under climate policy point of view is wood or forest of interest. Because trees make a positive contribution to the climate. During their decade-long growth phase, sometimes they take more CO2 than they emit. could benefit from the increasing demand for timber companies that own forests or forest management or in the wood processing industry sind.Umwelt active services: In addition to environmentally friendly energy production and supply and disposal of water have also eliminating and recycling of waste a high ecological value. As with larger population growth and increasing urbanization and waste generation is recorded, those companies in a growth sector operates.
The S & P Global Eco Index, consisting of 30 stocks from around the world. From each of the six segments of five shares are included in the index. It is the composition of the index, the result of clear, transparent rules. To access the index, companies must each have a minimum market capitalization of $ 1 billion and have developed a stock market be available. have amounted to the average daily trading volume of the last three months before Indexneugewichtung must be at least $ 2 million. The index weighting is determined by a modified market capitalization method. On entering the index and after each rebalancing, the maximum weight of a stock index is limited to 10%. The rebalancing of the Index will take place on the last trading day in November. Shares in the form of wood and forest and water combine the S & P Global Timber & Forestry and the S & P Global Water Index. The total return variation of both indices and the S & P Global Eco Total Return Index are Investors in each case an open-end certificate of Goldman Sachs, there are different ways to participate in trends in the fields of ecology and alternative energy sources. Please note that investors who have an investment in the Certificates of Goldman Sachs issuer risk . Further information on the opportunities and risks of our investment products, visit the website and in the respective prospectus
Source. (C) Goldman Sachs
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