Monday, April 11, 2011

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money flowing from the Romanesque Painting in the Third Reich and aesthetic evolution of the Cistercian Romanesque sculpture

Romanesque painting in the Reich

hildesheim - drzewo jessego

Wall Paintings from this period have been preserved only in a few places. The most important monument are the murals of the church in Schwarzrheindorf (near Bonn), from about 1151 to 1173, depicting scenes from the prophecy of Ezekiel associated with specific motives of the "New Testament" and the mystical marriage of the Lamb. They show a close relationship with the art of Byzantium, which shows that in this period also, Constantinople was the model for artists zaalpejskich. Another important building was a Benedictine abbey in Brauweiler near Cologne. In the eleventh century the church was erected, and around 1174 the paintings were made, including sleep with the scene of Nebuchadnezzar II, suggesting an advantage over the civilian authority of the Church. In turn, the church appears in Soest Madonna enthroned among the choirs of angels (c. 1230). Been curious about the church in Prüfening, where in years 1130-1160 are shown on the Civitas Dei, but also in other cities in Bavaria, the reference was to the concept of popular during the Crusades (and this is usually interpreted). An example would be the cloister of the cathedral in Regensburg, where about 1160, the presents the Heavenly Jerusalem. Another important topic was the Tree of Jesse, and so Mary's family tree. One of the oldest representations of this type is located in St. Michael in Hildesheim (c. 1225), where this motif is not shown in the wall paintings and miniature books, but on the ceiling of the church. However, the composition remained the same, and the artist clearly inspired by the illumination textbook.

Regarding the field of painting have the deepest understanding. Scriptoria acting within ottońskim were further away (like Hirsau and Echternach), and among the most important new gained Benediktbeuren and Weingarten. This is the first wsławiło formed in 1225, the manuscript of "Carmina Burana", where the artist primarily focused on the development of landscapes. It is one of the first works of illumination with a fairly typical Reich highlighting the importance of landscape in the illustrations of books. With the famous Hildegard of Bingen is tied while her prayer book, which was created in the Rhineland around 1190 quality and level of panel painting shows the altar of St Mary and. Walburg from Soest, who was at the end of the twelfth century, however, we do not know too many good works from this period, made of wood. Panel painting is better preserved only in the Gothic period. Also note the stained glass windows, although they are not as popular as those that were created at that time in France. The five stained glass windows depicting the prophets of the years around 1130-1140 adorned the Cathedral of Augsburg. By almost a century ahead of them late Romanesque stained glass windows of the St. Kunibert in Cologne.

Aesthetics Cistercian

The special nature of art is not usually influenced Cistercian art created in the inception of this order at the end of the eleventh century, but only changes that occurred under the influence of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. In the second and at the beginning of the third quarter of the twelfth century writings of the monk shaped the concept of art significantly different from the direction towards which it has evolved architecture and sculpture from the middle. First of all, the eleventh century, it emphasized the fact that the decoration works of art which are also religious in nature (as is the temples, books, or residential buildings within the monastery) distract from the contemplation of the mysteries "of Scripture" and direct the attention of the recipient to other, more wicked purposes . Bernard has created a concept so different requirements for the monks and another for other states. Because he did not speak hardly any on the art of the non-monasteries, but was very reluctant to rich portals, which were then erected, including in Autun and Moissac. Bernard remarks published in "sermons on the Song of Songs," and therefore a literary text, especially geared to emphasize the beauty and often quasi-erotic relation Bridegroom with the Bride (which was also translated as a form of relationship between the faithful and the Church), became the basis for the reconstruction idea arts, especially architecture, Cistercian.

san galgano

St. Bernard drew primarily on the achievements of Platonic philosophy and Neo-Platonic, but of course, mediated through the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius (very different interpretations of texts that the author adopted the Abbot Suger was responsible for the construction of the first purely Gothic building, and so the choir of the monastic church of St. Denis). According to Bernard man was able, despite its shortcomings, the attainment of grace and inspiration, which he himself also to some extent succeeded, if one was fed with a vision of Our Lady overflowing with milk from her breasts. It therefore provided that, by the appropriate religious and devotion of a human being may exceed its physical limits and thus overcoming the corresponding levels of love (four) and humility (twelve), attain the status of his stay close to the body and soul in paradise. Beauty, however, it did not particularly relevant. He wrote of him: "The inner beauty can match the beauty of any body, nor the dazzling complexion, which, however, wither, nor ruddy face, which threatens to resolution, or expensive clothes, which are destroyed, or the beauty of gold and precious stones sparkle, or any this kind of things that are all doomed to destroy "(cited by Wladyslaw Glencoe, aesthetics History, Vol 2: Medieval Aesthetics , Warsaw 1988, p. 172). In this spirit must also be explained by any reference to beauty when it appears as a general concept in the literature of the Cistercian. That's the beauty of the soul was the main issue, about which the hearing, and attempts to define the beauty of the material taken only partially. For such examples was even Gilbert Foliot, who developed the concept of beauty as a harmonious ("beauty is in the things of the flesh, flowing the relevant system parts "). The emergence of such a concept within the Cistercian literature shows that with time the monolithic idea of \u200b\u200bSt. Bernard began to be more seriously questioned. Anyway, Bernard and myself in one of the letters stated that he is able, to some extent zaakceptować wealth of temples, but he was a church designed for "ordinary" believers ("Do not talk about the huge amount of house of God, by their excessive length, excessive width, zbytkownym equipment, exaggerated paintings that, by downloading the praying eyes to scatter them at the same time feeling ... But never mind, let it be for the glory of God ").

As a result, this form was at the Cistercian aesthetics that evaluated the values \u200b\u200bof religious objects and cause of their formation, thus claiming the right to determine the staging of "good" and "bad." Poor were the objects that have arisen in connection with the vanity and lust for luxury, but also due to causes such as curiosity and lust. Such art by its very nature was to be addressed to the senses, especially sight, and not affect the heart recipient. Ozdobność so art was not his land itself evil, but rather stemmed from that, from where she came to serve and why. Bernard, however, was of the view that such facilities are not suitable for people who have renounced the world (hence the placement of Cistercian monasteries in sparsely populated areas). Standards Cistercian art so simple and match play is not only the Roman, or even the nascent days of St.. Bernard Gothic, but the play still earlier centuries. In this respect, at least in its first decades of the development of the Cistercians appealed to the ancient monastic communities present in the Merovingian and Carolingian state. This quotation also provides the proportion of yet another issue, namely the emphasis on architecture as the most important of the arts (fine arts we would say today). This is where the show had an excellent ratio referring indirectly to the exegesis of "Scripture" and the aesthetics of Plato and the writings of St. Augustine.


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