Friday, April 15, 2011

Coke Cooler Hole In One Club

Gothic architecture Gothic origins

duration of Gothic art coincided in many cases with the formation of centralized states, which eventually helped to link the Gothic style in the nineteenth century with the art of "national". This was the case even in France, Germany, England and Spain, and Italy referenced in more recent times, rather, to the antiquity and the Renaissance. Within the present-day Germany has been to reduce the most patterns for more space and strzelistości buildings. Gothic forms have been linked to some extent with previous solutions, the French, who moved into the Reich Cistercian buildings such as churches in Eberbach and Maulbronn. For example, in the cathedrals of Bamberg and Naumburg reference was made to the Cathedral of Laon, but only in respect of individual elements and not to the entire plan or schema object space.

katedra w magdeburgu

the first time a complete solution, the French used in Magdeburg, which began in 1209, where the cathedral was rebuilt as a temple with a polygonal choir and bypass and chapels. It should be noted, however, that these chapels bypass and a wreath is not adopted in Germany, often with them was reduced, as in a lesser extent, used a complex division of the walls of the temple. Not all German cathedral was tryforia union or pillars and buttresses are rarer than in France. This is evident in the first Gothic churches. Church of Our Lady in Trier, built between 1235-1260 with a central plan based on the Greek cross, in which one side has been extended to create a sanctuary. The same was true in the case of church. Elizabeth at Marburg (1235-1283) associated with the cult of Princess of Thuringia. Here, in general abandoned the concept of the basilica for the hall church, the sanctuary was transformed into a party structure similar to the solutions treflowych which appeared in Romanesque art (eg, Cologne). However, in Strasbourg (Cathedral of the Assumption) clash in the concepts that can be called "French" and "German". The entire main aisle was modeled on a church in St. Denis and refers to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe triple system of walls. Notre Dame, however, the model of many other buildings survived the elements of Romanesque, like the apse, while the Gothic manifested in the main body and the transept. For the eastern facade (1284-1293), which is one of the most famous in France, he replied Erwin von Steinbach, the whole enclosed in the 142 m high tower, raised more than a century later.

katedra w strasburgu

most important Gothic building in Germany was the cathedral in Cologne, which was completed only in the nineteenth century, The buildings of this period inspired Goethe to the creation of that concept of the Gothic as a national style. This writer and scholar (including work created on the fusion of colors and tried to fix the color and derivatives) was also pretty good draftsman and painter of landscapes, but most of his life inspired primarily classical art. He loved the greatest archeologist for example, the eighteenth century - Johanna Winckelmanna, który nadzorował wykopaliska w Italii. Z czasem jednak krytykować zaczął naśladownictwo styli antycznych, jakie odbywało się we współczesnych mu czasach i wówczas zwrócił się ku bardziej różnorodnemu stylowi gotyckiemu. Goethe stworzył też legendę Erwina von Steinbach (żyjącego w latach ok. 1244-1318), którego uznał za najwybitniejszego niemieckiego architekta tej epoki. Warto więc zwrócić uwagę na tę ideologię, gdyż ona szczególnie mocno powiązana jest z Kolonią i Strasburgiem (na fotce), które postrzegane były jako najlepsze artystycznie obiekty tego okresu w Niemczech. Sam Erwin worked since 1284 to build the cathedral in Strasbourg, and according to the inscription on the plate was to be the burial site manager. Sam nickname with the name of the village, from which he had come back only in the eighteenth century, when read painted inscription which was found on the main portal of the cathedral. Thus became one of the examples of the commemoration of an outstanding artist of individuality, which preceded the era, similarly interpreted the role Brunsberg Pomerania and Peter Parler in the Czech Republic.

katedra w kolonii

Cologne Cathedral is the largest Gothic church in the present Germany. It has nearly 145 m in length, and the towers rise to a height up to 157 m. Originally, this place was built starochrześcijański object, which is then reconstructed under the influence of Carolingian art (to 870 respectively). Back then it was dwuchórowa basilica, which was renewed again in the eleventh century, however, the introduction to her in 1164, the relics of the Magi made the object has become an important center of pilgrimage. To cope with the needs of the faithful in 1248, it was decided to expand the facility, a task entrusted to a certain master Gerhard. This artist was established primarily to Amiens and Beauvais, and so it is very spacious French buildings. Work on the body nawowym lasted until 1322, followed by all the aisles were built until 1350, however, still have not completed the north and mainly the construction of towers, which dragged down to the mid-sixteenth century, not until after it was written by Goethe's work on cathedrals gothic in 1773 and re-interest in these structures has been decided on the further continuation of the already degraded to some extent the building. Cologne Cathedral, however, retained the Gothic plan and general guidelines of the medieval artists could be achieved through locating at the end of the Napoleonic period the western facade of the plan. Thanks ago this church. Peter and the Blessed Virgin Mary is a five-nave basilica with a transept trójnawowym, and so has one of the most monumental plans with all the Gothic buildings. Ensure the stability of double buttresses and the wall according to the French idea of \u200b\u200barranged trójdzielnie triforium. Here, too, placed the shrine of the Magi, which dated to the years 1190-1230 and is the work of Nicholas of Verdun.

Part transeptowa has been used primarily in the monumental temples, especially the cathedrals. However, orders will be happy to give up this solution, representing the the modesty and not so great aspirations. This also explains the reduction in the number and size of the towers, and often completely ridding them, as was the case with the Dominicans and Franciscans. Connected this way back in the nave of the sanctuary, which at times was significantly increased. The most important objects of the first period are the Dominican churches in Regensburg (built from 1240 onwards) and St. Paul in Esslingen (1255-1268). Construction of Regensburg is a typical pillar basilica, so you can see back here ottońskiej return to form structures. Only the Cistercians used on a larger scale of the transept. They have such structures as it Altenberg (whose architecture and sculpture were the model for the church in Trzebnica) and Chorin and Doberan essential for the development of art Pomerania and Wielkopolska.

fasada klasztoru w chorin

In Chorin erected in the years 1273-1344 there is a three-aisled basilica with a transept and chancel poligonalnie ended. It is important, above all, the facade, which was divided into three parts, of which the measure is significantly higher than the others and adorned wimpergami. Also pay attention to the blend, which mimic the cathedral ideas of the illumination inside the house windows. In addition, the Chorin other components are preserved monastic foundation, which you can accurately determine the organization of the life of monks in the thirteenth century, there is such vestry, parlor (room designed to talk with people from the inside), the chapel and called. Sala Principe with murals. The entire complement kitchen and the house of the Abbot. Strong relationship with the princes of Brandenburg, which occurs in Chorin, is also visible in Doberan, but where were the rulers of the Neumark, and then Mecklenburg. Cistercian monastery founded was in 1171, but standing still is a brick church building from the years 1294-1368 in the form of a three-aisled basilica with a transept and choir dwunawowym with bypass and chapels. Well preserved Gothic features, including a huge tabernacle.

ran separate evolution within the free cities of the Hanseatic League. These cities are faced primarily with the lack of stone, which meant that the focus was on brick as the main building material. The quality standard was imposed by Lübeck, where from about 1260, began to build the church of the Basilica of the Virgin in the form of two-tower facade. It alluded to the building surrounding the town Mecklenburg and Pomeranian, and Lueneburg, Stralsund, Schwerin and Greifswald. Interestingly, this church was not the most important building in the city as a Romanesque basilica began around 1300, to rebuild the Gothic church. However, the parish church of the Virgin became a model for churches farnych whole Baltic coast, including in Pomerania.


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