As you can see, this time became the subject of the post-river, but at least pretty close to the time that the majority of readers now celebrating. Easter is in the end a period when Christians happy with the defeat of death by the Messiah, while Jews await the coming of his perseverance. This phenomenon is thus inscribed in the very foundations of both religion and it is not surprising that in Christian art seeks to show the Jews as blind to the words of the Good News. About how to be a fascinating subject that were taken in the Middle Ages will present the entry.
most allegorical and symbolic form of a well-known women. Lovely, lovely, and wearing dresses highlighting their charm in the same time suitable for portraying the ideals or other things without their physical counterparts. Analogously used in this ancient idea in the first centuries of Christianity, creating a Ecclesii and Synagogues, community embodying the followers of both religions. O "Ecclesii" he wrote to Saint. Paul, and later in the writings of the Fathers of the Church even distinguished two forms of the Church - "Ecclesia ex circumcision" (that is, the circumcision, which is made up of Jews who changed their faith) and "ex gentibus" (ie, consisting of the Gentiles, so that which currently include most of professing the Christian faith.) This here means "the people of Israel" could become even those who are genetically Semites did not have much in common.
Shown in today's entry Ecclesia (left) and the Synagogue (below) located at the portal of the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg (c. 1230), this late in the idea of \u200b\u200bportraying a solution of both religion and the fact that Medieval Christians believe the Jews were waiting blankly for the coming of Emmanuel. This division of the Church because the problem in two complementary communities appeared in the fifth century on one of the mosaics of the church Santa Sabina in Rome (c. 430). Moreover, the mere fact that to this day as worthy successors of Jesus considered St. And St. Peter. Paul points out that such a division in the Church is visible. This first in the church of Santa Prudenziana shown as head of the church was a "Jewish" and the latter because of the numerous missions as a church leader, "pagans."
It was not until the Carolingian era began with a greater commitment to focus on the distinction between Jewish and Christian religions, and not differences in faith. On the miniatures of this period (And their richly decorated with ivory covers), we see quite an interesting topic which is like a supplement to the scene of the Crucifixion. On one side of the dying Jesus was placed for the form of a woman which is without a doubt be interpreted as Ecclesia. Like the above that figure with the jambs in Strasbourg was presented as a woman triumphant, with the royal insignia, and especially the calyx. The importance of such performances is so obvious - the church is the mediator in dealing with God, which takes place mainly through the ministers of the sacraments. In this way, a reference was made to continue the many sectarian and heretical doubts as to whether it is necessary to separate social group devoted exclusively to serving the people of religion (such a solution, after questioning, to some extent Manichees, then the turn of the millennium and finally bogomilcy Cathars).
Besides Jesus placed a second form, which usually stood facing away from the Crucified One, though not recognizing the meaning of the event. It's easy, therefore, considered that it was a synagogue, and the same representation of the opposition of these two allegories became wildly popularne w okresie wojen krzyżowych. Trudno się temu dziwić, gdy spojrzy się na zachowanie walczących w krucjatach, które przejawiało się w niechęci nie tylko do Arabów, ale także rodzimej ludności Ziemi Świętej. W końcu wymordowanie kilkudziesięciu tysięcy mieszkańców Jerozolimy po jej zdobyciu podczas I krucjaty rzuciło się cieniem na antysemityzm wielu walczących, odnoszących się do biblijnych słów współodpowiedzialności Żydów za śmierć Chrystusa.
W przypadku Synagogi warto jednak zwrócić uwagę na atrybuty tej postaci, gdyż zwykle posiada ona bardziej zróżnicowane spektrum symbolizing her subjects. Triumph of the former religion before the advent of Christianity and to receive its "palm priority" as best reflecting the will of God is usually suggests a banner held by the Synagogue. In contrast to Ecclesii, the viewer is confronted with a broken spear, a fallen banner, and not kept prestige symbol of power. Sometimes, even the reference was to the ritual objects used in Judaism. Bloody knife referred to the animal sacrifices, which the Christians seemed to be no longer necessary after the Resurrection and the announced return of Jesus to earth. Finally, falling or smashed tables of the Ten Commandments easy to show a true believer that the priority should be no orders, "Old Testament" but Christ's words in the "New".
Rather, however, he who believes that only those humble attributes indicate a reluctance to contemporary Jews. Classical art of the Middle Ages to the "Hebrews" zaglądających pig into the mouth (or worse, the other shuns it) also appears in the version for the Synagogue. Appear to present an allegory because such Judaism, in which she rideth pig, thereby using the Bible (common to both religions) to show a pig, as one of the most heinous of animals. Add to this a standard part of dress of the Jews who were forced to wear it in accordance with the laws of some cities, such as peaked caps (for example, appearing in scenes of the Passion of lectorium in the Cathedral of Naumburg), it is immediately apparent that in most cases not treated Synagogues with such respect as Ecclesii.
course, at this point the reader should be obruszyć that after all of the figures from the Strasbourg show something completely different (and this slide will be completely accurate). This is because these characters exude dignity, women's bodies are shown according to the canons of contemporary art, and clothes make them an essence of the real world beyond the period of their inception. This follows from the fact that around 1230 there is a certain understanding of the changes Ecclesii and Synagogue, which is just visible in the church of the Virgin in Strasbourg, and in that time ozdabianym church in Bamberg. Portal, which indicates both sculptures he was a judicial venue. The synagogue is hiding his eyes, therefore, a distant echo of Themis comprised impersonation, although of paramount importance ascribed to Christ, and Solomon, placed in the tympanum of the portal between the two female figures. The importance of the whole is so readily apparent: in the words of St. Augustine Ecclesia is the equivalent of a real mother of a child from a known parables, the synagogue is the one who ultimately agreed to this and to halve it. Another of the interpretation also shows the relationship of the two forms of justice (the process during the Inquisition was there such a thing?). Christ in conjunction with two lovely women is the Bridegroom from the Song of Songs, "and these characters Oblubienicami. Such an eschatological meaning seems to dominate and then in subsequent centuries of the Middle Ages.
This is shown even stained-glass window from the end of the first Call. Fifteenth century cathedral of Saint-Denis, where in this way presents Ecclesia and Synagogue. The former is then crowned by Christ (the same way as in the scenes after the Coronation of the Assumption of Mary), while simultaneously breaking the Savior bandage my eyes a second form of cloaking. In this way, refers to an existing today in the theology of the Catholic Church's theory that the unbelievers can be saved, especially those who profess some tenets of Christianity (and therefore the Jews and Muslims). In the words of St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans as they eventually held on the Last Judgement they believe in the true God and profess the Christian faith.
depicted Jews as infidels in numerous ways, vilifying them for everything - from the killing of newborn babies, stealing pigs and other animals for the victims of the cult, poison the well, the maintenance of such conditions in the homes that most of the fires there, she begins (as it was even in Poznan, which ultimately provided the basis of Renaissance reconstruction of the city). The most But a nice way to present their criticisms were Ecclesii and synagogues - a nice fact symbolized the ideals of coexistence of both religions, is not always serene and happy, but acceptable. Despite the importance of changes in the Synagogue in the last centuries of the Middle Ages, religious conflict still persisted, as evidenced by the former, after the expulsion of the Jews in the fourteenth and fifteenth century, from more countries in Europe. Or maybe it was less than the size of Jews meant that their faith began to be viewed more positively? Well, that's another mystery, which requires analysis of the consciousness of contemporary Europeans.
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