Germany reach the Kyoto target in 2010
The emissions of greenhouse gases in 2010 has increased slightly. With a total issue of 960 million tonnes of Germany but remains still below the Kyoto target. Compared with the previous year, a total of 40 million tonnes, 4.3 percent more greenhouse gases emitted. The show first calculations of the Federal Environment Agency. The sharp increase in CO 2 emissions is mainly due to the economic recovery of the economy and the cool weather. The emissions from 2010 remain well below the 2008 level. The expansion of renewable energies could be saved by 2010 compared to the previous year nine million tons of CO 2 . "The challenge now is to promote energy-efficient and low emission technologies," says the President of the Federal Environment Agency Jochen Flasbarth. The climate could thus be perpetuated, while promoting economic growth.
with a total issue of 960 million tonnes, significantly lower than Germany's Kyoto target of 974 million tons from 2008 to 2012. Compared to 1990 emissions last year fell to 23.1 percent. The main reason for the increase in greenhouse gas emissions is the higher consumption of fuel: for electricity generation, more brown and hard coal and natural gas used. This led to a significant increase in CO 2 emissions. Because of cool weather has increased the consumption of coal and natural gas for heating purposes. The use of coal has also increased by the growth steel production, which increased in comparison to the crisis of 2009 by 34 percent.
The petroleum use rose in the industrial, commercial, trade and services sector and the households. Due to the growing freight transport sector, there was a slight increase in emissions. In the car sat in this development "away from gasoline, diesel down to" section. The use of jet fuel increased slightly in 2010, presumably as a result of flight cancellations due to the outbreak of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull.
In contrast to CO 2 decreased both methane and nitrous oxide emissions (down 1.1 percent and minus 3.9 percent). The downward trend of methane is mainly due to reduction measures in the field of waste treatment. In agriculture, methane emissions decreased mainly due to the declining cattle numbers.
The nitrous oxide emissions fell in the chemical industry as well. After partial upgrading of emission control equipment in 2009, it came here in 2010, despite increased production at significantly lower nitrous oxide emissions.
The emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases, so that the per-and hydrofluorocarbons HFCs, PFCs and sulfur hexafluoride are meant developed differently: while the emissions of PFCs decreased slightly by 0.5 percent, rose, HFC emissions through greater use in refrigeration and air conditioning by 1.3 percent. The emissions of sulfur hexafluoride, increased 6.7 percent. The substance is used mainly in insulation and protective glass. The significant growth in emissions is due to the increased disposal of old glazed windows and the increased use in the metal industry.
Dessau-Roßlau, 12.04.2011
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