Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Devils Tower Wrestling Singlet

energy savings by leasing

machinery and equipment great potential - Leasing helps to finance acquisitions and growth

Green IT was one of the buzzwords at the just ended computer fair CeBIT in Hanover. One aim of this green information technology is the reduction in power consumption. For phones, PCs and printers consume annually, according to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany about 7,000 GWh of electricity companies. This is about the whole of photovoltaic systems in Germany produced electricity. With efficient appliances could save yourself a lot here. Far greater potential slumbering but in the industry: "Just the drive technology is responsible for 60 percent of industrial energy consumption," says a recent Siemens study. And it continues: "There is the corresponding energy-saving technologies, but the high initial cost can be many corporate decision-makers before investing shrink fact. make the cost of these alternative propulsion systems, which have an average life span of ten years, with an annual operating time of 2,000 hours less than three percent of total costs. . The share of energy costs, however, is 95 percent "investments would pay off - but where to get the necessary capital

savings by financing over the term

The financial crisis has cost a considerable proportion of the capital of then following rapid economic?. recovery binds many additional capital, such as by the strongly increasing demand for on-grid products and open. "Optimal is therefore an extension of the investment costs in energy-saving machinery and equipment over its term, "says Patrick G. Weber, director of leasing Vantargis." Depending on the machine, the savings in energy costs over the lease rates are even. The company won twice. For the same time it receives a modern machine park, which ensures the sustainability and contributes to more efficient production, "The range of Vantargis leasing includes leasing and hire purchase financing schemes for investment in mobile assets for classic machinery and equipment .

growth back to the sale and leaseback
Additional capital investment and growth can be obtain through sale and lease-back. Because in addition to machinery and plant, also offer brands and patents for raising capital - it is still important values, that banks can start normally as it does not. When a sale and leaseback, the company initially sold real estate, machinery, trademarks or patents, and is leasing it back. "Especially for the manufacturing sector and firms with high R & D share, this alternative is a smart way to increase liquidity," said Weber.

info from Vatragis Leasing GmbH - www.vantargis-leasing.de


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