Saturday, April 30, 2011
Toronto Make Your Own Chapstick
Friday, April 29, 2011
Redneck Birthday Supplies
Usually whenever one reads the book in which the problem is taken arts education, the author focuses on the issue of education, which would acquire a specific artist. This, in turn, the foundation has to give his response, the creator of this owed to his master (or guild academy professor), which places visited, what they saw and, finally, what about those few dozen or so years of creative "was." And what about the audience, did he not educate? Is it still remains unconscious, looking at the work of art through the eyes of a layman, whose successive publications and museum exhibitions are lead by the hand toward the "good" art ... The answer is obvious, but it was not always so. Regarding the way of art to educate the "masses" (how I hate that word) will present the entry.
fans in French literature presented next to a probably needs no introduction. Similarly, as archaeologists and orientalists, who easily recognize Andre Malraux. This much admired today (już!) classic twentieth century French literature for 10 years (from 1959 to 1969) served as culture minister of France, which was a consequence of separation of the ministry in the times rather unusual - the Ministry of Higher Education received everything related to art, literature, museums and archives, and the conglomerate merged with the National Cinema Center, which are currently subject to Ministry of Industry. Thus Uświetniono ideas that later in the parliament of the Fifth Republic are presented in the following way: "The French, young people and adults should be able to capture the benefits of culture. Must live surrounded by a halo of genuine culture, immerse yourself in a certain atmosphere created by different forms of intelligence, whether it would come from the past, the heritage of our great people, and the sensitivity of the entire nation, or would have been born around us, in this human laboratory where the clears up the eyes of contemporary art and new sources of beauty " (Quoted by Marc Fumaroli, a cultural . Modernity Religion, trans. Hanna Abramovich, Krakow 2008, p. 53-54).
As you can see has set the difficult and thankless task at the same time. Improve his education of people through art, to become better citizens, to immerse them in culture, which means they are not attributed. And vice versa - same set as those who are not quite that make up this culture and can decide what art is and what is not, but even they know the method, as that which realize a bit utopian. The fact that left-wing or even far-leftist views on this issue sometimes lead to manowcom, residents of central and eastern Europe do not need to convince. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "new man" - a de facto clou Leninist ideology used to control societies, after all based on the fact that some orders and prohibitions were treated as self-evident, even if they were not legally defined. Awareness was held in the mind, are there to shape a new morality, class consciousness, the subordination of even "selves" to the ideals of the future of communism. And how does it relate to culture? Well, it became a tool for expression desires of the body, but also on the occasion of his helplessness. If they were not "black market", bribes, and many other pathologies of a bygone era, would have to be role models to show in the form of smiling pioneers? In France, this problem has not been seen, and being kind of a model for other states, sought to create education for the "masses" ... the arts and culture.
, wrote Jacques Chaban-Delmas, for some time even holding the premiere of the Fifth Republic: "And why not France? Why is our country would not be the vanguard of the future of socialism with cultural ambitions "?" (E. Fumaroli, op.cit., P. 14). Overall a good question - everyone would want to make this country, in which he lives has become a model for other cultures. Because is not it impoverishes us that most of the tracks being promoted on the radio is located on the Billboard charts and the Anglo-Saxon UK Top 40? Or is that actually govern the world of fashion, only three cities: New York, Paris and Milan, and the latter their importance is based more on past than present great opportunities to impose trends. Accepted by A. Malraux's solution is a little like the approach to women in past centuries, when not treated them to the end of a fully seriously, and even in the interwar period surrealists discerned in them a form intermediate between the contamination civilization child and adult man.
there seems to be typical story, which was to happen at the beginning of the twentieth century, Charles Fryczowi. Young still images, however, already known from the very kpiarskiego sense of humor (acted in a "green balloon"), was to receive a group of women, which was required to lay out the basis of art. However, as a friend girls reviewed more than listen to wdzięczyły its lecturer, and thus marks given to them were too "nice eyes". And actually the hair, because hair colors posiadaczki specific entries received in accordance with the preferences K. Frycz. I think that once again women were treated fairly patronimicznie, paying no attention to the talent that is in them.
But the rest of participation in culture in the early twentieth century it was the same ... in every aspect of society believed that women need to practice, and even in creating positive examples to show the then author. Theresa Lubin (columnist, was not a minister of my hometown of Szczecin), even encouraged the women to their men were asking about sexual history, and even they put an ultimatum: "And if his eyes will notice the indignant or drwinek - may add more: - I love you, and for this love ready to take all your traditional, all the misery of yours, but neither you nor I have no right to impose them, our children "(T. Lubin, with issues of sexual ethics , Warsaw 1906, p. 11). Oh, those women willing to make sacrifices ... I can only regret except that now they are not so many ...
But returning to the heart of the problem, you can easily see that the arts and education can go hand in hand, but education is not easy. It is recalled here the text of the British researcher Herbert Read, who in "the art of Upbringing" (1943) wrote that "art is one of those things that - as air or land - are everywhere around us, but over which rarely think about" . The question is whether this desire H. Read, raised cruelty ongoing war, there is not much confidence in the art. He believed that, it can serve as a tool to complete fulfillment of man or even a means to overcome evil. The objective was to be a - "to stimulate the development of what is individual in man, but while the harmonious integration of individuals in an organic manner in its environment in the world of a social group." H.
words of Read died after the war, therefore, fertile ground, and invoked him in Poland. Those who still have homes multivolume encyclopedia OWN issued in the PRL-read may be that the "socialist education is based on the Marxist concept of comprehensive development of individual personality," and other publications give out even that "socialism offers a real chance to overcome the dualism of elite culture and mass culture, the gap between art and life." So this quote, which appeared in "Studies of aesthetic" of 1976, issued by the PAN, had to indicate that the art elite is no longer needed? On the contrary, it reversed the question and shows that it is necessary that the viewer through education, seek to understand it and was able to draw from it. Aim right, but how does it achieve? Here you can find a hint in another publication, which appeared in the 70s Describing the rules of theater workers, the following assumption that the right message was simple: "Managers must be careful to theaters on the point of creating fetishes and throwing powerful, exciting words like: the art of socialist, etc." (E. and M. Wodnarowie, Polish scene Workers: 1918-1939: a selection of documents and accounts , Warsaw, 1974).
easily so you can see that the post-war idea the artistic education society is such Ouroboros - snake eating its own tail. On one hand, created quite a complicated theoretical basis, how to teach art and culture, on the other consistently described the population as far from ideal. But maybe instead of creating an institutional framework, just to give people more choices? More shows, more shows, more meaningful ideas and above all a clear message to potential customers: "This exhibition is important because ...." However, in times when an objective critique of artistic phenomena disappears (see: review films in the newspapers), may be better to give people the choice of avid culture than on the strength of new projects to promote the arts. And then complain that the public did not come because they do not appreciate the "real art."
And you, what do you think?
Mixture Random Primer Oligo Dt
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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Yes, I know that this topic is extremely trite, but not all read the great books of art historians that appear on the Polish market. So from the outset I would recommend one of the best publications in recent years (I am very amused), which created Eve in 2009 Toniak Fri "Giant. Women and Social Realism "(lazy can look at the article in Circulation Izabela Kowalczyk of the beauty of the female body in the days of communism in Central Europe - link ). It is impossible to omit the classic work of Maria Janion of 1996, when the "Goddess of Liberty. Why the revolution is a woman? "Asked the first on such a large-scale attention to the fact that social realism, after a woman robbed of everything feminine, throw them together with men, asking them to perform similar roles in society and" ride "tractors like the jockeys and the Knights their steeds. This, unfortunately, this idea appears already in the art of the socialist end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and even more so publicized painting of the Soviet Union meant that the art of the early People's Republic can not in fact look different than the art of intentionally devoid of expression, individuality and character even to some extent the individuality of the artist. A pity, because it is an art in all pretty easy to pick, not to say that in his twisted way of "academic."
"Ceglarki" Alexander Kobzdej of 1950 (National Museum in Warsaw) is a picture so unusual that it became the basis for me to devote today's actually just him entry. Responding to the classic question about the visual layer ("what we see in this picture?" Until today evokes a more or less positive associations in older than me by art historians), it is easy to see that we are dealing with three passive, even obijającymi to women. In total, it appears the seemingly odd, especially since the painting is deliberately created as a pendant to a much more active image "Enter a brick" by the same author ( link ). There he saw three guys who have to work together to develop a standard over and so exacting standards. One stretched out his hand after a brick (because it will tie!), The second purify it, and the third slaughtered mortar trowel. In other words, full fledged teamwork to build in "communist concrete," the whole field of imaging. In turn, they were not the only shows looming in the background of the mast (perhaps a lift) and a pair of scaffolds, indicating how to rebuild post-war reality.
"Ceglarki" are other and in this sense "non-masculine." Their faces are not painted with the joy of work, but the three of us sitting on a few bricks and enigmatic made a bucket (for E. Toniak was a reference to a still life of "Brutus" by David). As the author puts it, "The basket of knitting, with no sinister context, sojourned on the socialist construction and turned into a lack of charm, rough bucket" (E. Toniak, giant ..., Krakow 2009, p. 27). You can even joke: 'Oh, what a bad object which interferes with socialist overtones propaganda video! Instead of focusing the viewer's attention on the fact that everyone can participate in the construction of a new (not necessarily better) Homeland, do as the lyrics proclaimed the Anglo-Saxon war posters ("Do your bit!"), In return, the artist gives us to understand that women do not can serve the great cause as the men. Quite a misogynistic, and certainly untrue.
But let us - to the emptiness and the Absolute, in other words: the way towards the medium and its use. The thing that strikes primarily in the "Ceglarkach" (deliberately slightly highlighted with an image that could be seen more clearly weary faces of women), is that somehow useful for you to take the center of the image instead of putting form sides. A. Kobzdej makes quite an impression as if he did not know the rules of academic composition, so well that he was able to use the "Enter a brick." Simple, joyful even picture in which the work goes on and the audience relates odstawkę overwhelming impression that men are almost totally not tired. Of course you can and look at the picture differently - sad weary face brick obrabiającego points if it did not depend on his pace of work, but the character that identifies the viewer, so dark-haired on the left (by the way I envy his hair color) is clearly geared to implementing the six-year plan is best done immediately work for several generations in the future ... Why, then, women sit on wooden pallets at the wall-like background fairy tale about Reksiu such pretty awkward and not very active?
Answers in my opinion should be sought in the iconographic tradition. We were in Polish painting of many similar performances, as applied by the A. Kobzdej, and recall the most famous of them simply means "peasant's coffin" A. Gierymski ( link), where as it seems reconciled to a tragic fate. So it would seem that the picture just right fit to the concept of Socialist Realist painting. Both because I went to the National Fine Arts Exhibition at the National Museum in Warsaw in 1950, created a painting of a brick building zgarnęło triumphantly up the third prize. But this image of "Ceglarki" is closer to (at least lyrically) to what is trying to achieve in the socialist realism. The nature of propaganda has been replaced by a realistic, even werystycznym presentation that adaptation women's new role in society is difficult, but important and valuable. So if he compared the image with the words Kobzdej A. W. Sokorski, which in the "Festival of the Arts" in 1950 created a de facto basis for the most complete and treściowego ideological nature of the work, it turns out that the observation will be prima facie invalid. We read for example, that "socialist art can not be created without assimilate the whole experience and achievements of all the achievements of past centuries realists" (and we have met, since there is A. Gierymski) and, moreover, "as opposed the art of imperialism, the socialist art is the art of a common theme in the conceptual content and national in the means of expression. " Only a few years later, W. Sokorski slightly changes his mind and different forms the basis of socialist realism. If we equated "Ceglarki" to the text of the article in the same letter, but it issued two years later, it turns out that tired workers already tastes correspond criticism. For it is (bearing in mind these bucket and a hole in the center) to assume that "socialist realism involves arranging the image of reality in art, presupposes the development of typical features and the elimination of incidental details. " By the way, "the painting art"? This is something else? Ah, the socialist newspeak comparable pustosłowiami a "medical doctor" or "day dziesiejszy" ...
Both images rather unusual approach to the problem of work in setting up and laying bricks. Let's look for a similar theme as the reconstruction of destroyed Allied bombing and robbery operations troops "liberation" took the Germans (especially those east) and the Austrians. Already in 1945 in Vienna, appeared in a poster of the communist party, in which the worker has only been reduced to a pair of hands aimed directly at the viewer and holding a brick. The whole was surrounded by large amounts of text, but the greatest attention is drawn to the words "Seize" (ie the same way as in A. Kobzdej imperative), and the building was placed at the bottom of a brick wall jaskrawoczerwonych with the signature "Communist Party". Other words disguised handwriting emphasize that the fate of the new Austrian is in our hands, so evidently refer to the same media propaganda which the Polish image.
Similar work without You can find more problems, like the built in Berlin in 1945, using identical solutions of hands holding a well-burnt brick. This time, however, graphics hiding under alias Kadezwi wrote that "each hand supports a new reconstruction." And what about women? To look at how bravely they work on construction sites would have to see destroyed Dresden in 1946 either (which is easier and more recommended) to visit the German Historical Museum in Berlin. German woman (yes, the figure corresponds to the stereotypes of great beauty and stature representatives of this nation) is based on one hand on the wall slowly lower porastającym party poster, and on the right holds the duped party trowel mortar. The signature is the same as in Polish images of traktorzystkami: "I am a bricklayer helper. And you can [get] a future profession. " As you can see the propaganda in full, and our current perspective it might even give rise to ridicule.
But to readers did not feel offended that the work of ceglarkami appear only stout women who are completely at the ideals of beauty (both of those years, and present), another poster at the end. Jupp Alt in 1949, created a poster, on which a much more slender woman (in my opinion more a type of sculpture of the Third Reich than the models promoted in the USSR) has been depicted as the spectator of the profile gives a person some brick. He holds it firmly, but do not know what is the role in the production process and building, because no one else outside the artist has decided not to submit. Brick only half is in the imaging field, and the rest disappears behind a wall, which located in the lower part of the poster. Completes the whole was already signed for a fifth of social action: "We are of rubble and scrap metal."
This shows that in the turbulent period 1945-1950, a number of visual solutions, which the Polish artist could use to create his paintings. Therefore deliberately used the idea, which gives a much more difficult to transform the crisp Socialist Realist propaganda Polish People's Republic. Is this the way he wanted to appreciate the work of women and show that they too can help, but they are not physically capable of such great sacrifices, and sacrifices as men? Or rather, has created the antithesis - when working in the sweat of his brow, and here the moment of rest after the creation of yet unused by men of bricks. Whatever the intentions were, however, the image strikes its emptiness, the monolith wall and form the soul nieoddającymi facial features women like to "Rozstrzelań" Wroblewski. Here state the youngest woman at the wall also gives the impression of some form of reconciliation with fate, not a commitment to the noble objective of rebuilding their homeland.
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Investing in the future
The prices of many commodities have risen in recent months and some have already reached the level of mid-2008. At the same time, the debate has gained a rapid nuclear phase not only in Germany momentum. No question: This is energy generated in the future not only safe but also affordable remains are alternatives needed. Many of them are also suitable as an investment theme.
with green cars around the world. End of January broke some green Mercedes-BKlasse models for a trip around the globe. started in Stuttgart, toured the so-called F-Cell cars in the World Drive first through Europe, the USA and Canada, before it went to Australia. Special feature: The cars are powered by fuel cells and hydrogen refuel. This example shows that a rethink of energy policy is in full swing. Regardless of whether politicians, entrepreneurs or consumers - everyone knows that is no longer especially cheap oil available in sufficient quantity. The price for a barrel of "black gold" has skipped the $ 100 mark long again. The reason lies in the growing demand. The emerging markets are returned quickly after the financial crisis on the growth path. And the Western industrial nations recover. On the other hand, the supply is limited. If it comes to funding problems, such as by an accident on an oil rig or how current political disputes in North Africa, may have an impact on the price that quickly.

from the trend toward more clean energy can also benefit investors - not just since yesterday. Goldman Sachs issued in 2007, various open-end certificates on indices from this area. They are now more than ever brought to the attention of investors. A possible trend is called LNG stands for liquefied natural gas, liquefied natural gas that is. Some countries have already increased their deliveries to Japan. Also in Europe, demand is forecast to rise when many governments should focus on the construction of gas power plants instead of nuclear power. As a result, could put the price of natural gas. Even before the nuclear disaster, Japan was the largest Importer of LNG. In 2009, gas consumption was 87.4 billion cubic meters. This is equivalent to 64 million tonnes of LNG. By the downed Japan needs nuclear power plants in addition to expert estimates, about 13 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Much of it is covered with LNG expected because LPG can be transported relatively easily in large quantities. To transport natural gas as LNG is cooled to -161 degrees Celsius, because at this temperature reached the main component of methane's boiling point. In huge LNG is liquefied natural gas gradually and then stored in special tanks. Later, following the loading on specially designed tankers. Due to the liquefaction of natural gas takes only about one six hundredth of its original volume. Specifically, a liter of liquid gas equivalent to about 614 liters of natural gas. Thanks to this huge, huge quantities of natural gas compression in special tankers to be transported long distances. Once there, the liquid raw material is recycled back into the gaseous state, compressed and re-fed into a natural gas pipeline.
in other countries could increase the demand for LNG. Only by the decision, old reactors for safety temporarily from the network is missing, such as capacities in Germany. By an increasing demand for LPG are expected to benefit not only the natural gas production companies, but also the manufacturers of liquefaction plants, manufacturers of gas turbines, and ship operators. Investors who want to participate in the LNG business, can make targeted investments in the sector.
private investors can benefit with open-end certificates from this trend. Together with Standard & Poor's Goldman Sachs calculated the COMERGIX LNG Index, which covers the entire value chain of the LNG industry. The index comprises the most important and most liquid stocks in the sector. Currently there are
28 companies associated with the construction of the LNG infrastructure, the LNG trade, and are involved in the operation of tankers, liquefaction and evaporation systems. The shares of LNG companies are depending on their market capitalization in the index. Once a year - on the third Friday in September - the composition of the index sponsor, Standard and Poor's is checked. Due to the relatively simple structure, investors with the open-end certificate to Goldman Sachs can roughly 1:1 participate in the development of LNG COMERGIX index.
The structure of the open-end certificates is relatively simple. Increases the base value of an open-end certificate by 5%, so does the value of the certificate, which must be adjusted even though the annual management fee has increased by 5%. By 1:1 participation structure, the investor can easily keep track of how much his certificate is worth at any given time. Since the underlying index is calculated in euro, the investor incurred during the holding period relative to the underlying no exchange rate risks.
While it is LNG a proven energy source that is treated in a special form, combines the DAXglobal ® Alternative Energy Index shares of companies in the fields of alternative and renewable energy . The index is calculated by Deutsche Börse in
€ and includes the shares of the world's 15 largest companies in this area. In each case, three companies from one of the five energy sectors wind, solar, natural gas, ethanol and geothermal
(geothermal). The companies have in this sector - this is the prerequisite for their inclusion in the index - achieve their greatest share of sales. All five sectors are equally weighted in the index - within each sector, the companies qualified by their market capitalization and the average, daily trading turnover of over 1 million U.S. dollars. Well-known companies in the index are Archer Daniels Midland, Vestas Wind, Iberdrola or composite. Goldman Sachs offers an open-end certificate on the DAXglobal ® Alternative Energy Price Index, which reflects the price movements of the index members, but not the dividends.
During COMERGIX LNG and bundle the DAXglobal ® Alternative Energy Index, the stocks of companies in the fields of alternative energy, says the S & P Global Eco Index, the ecology wider. The index comprises the 30 largest and most liquid companies the environmental sector will be classified according to their environmental priorities into one of four sectors. A distinction is made in the "clean energy" between energy producers and manufacturers of green power equipment. The sector "water" is divided into two divisions-water equipment and water utilities and infrastructure, so there are together with the two areas of "forest" and "environmental services" a total of six sub-segments, a diversified investment in the topic Ecology permit. Water: The world has much of the population lack access to clean water. Just to the basic daily needs such as food, to meet drinking and sanitation are huge amounts of water needed. If one includes all areas - including agriculture (food production) or thermal power stations - that the global average water consumption amounts to about 2,700 liters a day per capita. Here, the majority of the water for food production is used in agriculture. Because of the growing world population, the demand for basic foodstuffs such as corn, wheat or soybeans will increase. Because from the need to expand the acreage is expected to increase the water consumption. Thus, a better water supply, especially in the emerging Markets urgently needed. The increasing urbanization will require investment in water infrastructure. In Western Europe and North America are
extensive renovation investments in this sector. For companies that are active in the fields of water supply and sanitation, infrastructure and water treatment, may therefore result
attractive growth opportunities. Clean energy: Many governments are trying to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Since classical primary sources such as oil and natural gas
in recent years, massively expensive, so are electricity rates have risen.
the same time, technological advances led to that electricity production from wind turbines or photovoltaic became more efficient. This would make alternative energy sources in future a greater contribution to the energy mix. Benefit from this trend, companies that manufacture equipment for alternative energy such as wind turbines or solar cells. But also run power generators, wind or solar farms, are among the winners. Wood and Forest: The rise in energy prices has also helped fuel the wood to a renaissance. Modern wood burning systems work much more effective today than it was several decades ago. Except in the demand for energy is also interesting as wood construction and raw material For example, the furniture or in paper production. The economic boom in emerging markets, leading to an increased focus on the cities requires huge amounts of wood. Even under climate policy point of view is wood or forest of interest. Because trees make a positive contribution to the climate. During their decade-long growth phase, sometimes they take more CO2 than they emit. could benefit from the increasing demand for timber companies that own forests or forest management or in the wood processing industry sind.Umwelt active services: In addition to environmentally friendly energy production and supply and disposal of water have also eliminating and recycling of waste a high ecological value. As with larger population growth and increasing urbanization and waste generation is recorded, those companies in a growth sector operates.
The S & P Global Eco Index, consisting of 30 stocks from around the world. From each of the six segments of five shares are included in the index. It is the composition of the index, the result of clear, transparent rules. To access the index, companies must each have a minimum market capitalization of $ 1 billion and have developed a stock market be available. have amounted to the average daily trading volume of the last three months before Indexneugewichtung must be at least $ 2 million. The index weighting is determined by a modified market capitalization method. On entering the index and after each rebalancing, the maximum weight of a stock index is limited to 10%. The rebalancing of the Index will take place on the last trading day in November. Shares in the form of wood and forest and water combine the S & P Global Timber & Forestry and the S & P Global Water Index. The total return variation of both indices and the S & P Global Eco Total Return Index are Investors in each case an open-end certificate of Goldman Sachs, there are different ways to participate in trends in the fields of ecology and alternative energy sources. Please note that investors who have an investment in the Certificates of Goldman Sachs issuer risk . Further information on the opportunities and risks of our investment products, visit the website and in the respective prospectus
Source. (C) Goldman Sachs
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Steps To Doing A Chinese Bang With Straight Hair
as Onet Onet - comes alive with rare and interesting news transmitted a few days late. So it was even a few days ago, when riding a train in the Easter Monday displays a me Reggio Emilia that unearthed the remains of the holy pair. And actually not been excavated, but was completed research in the field of dating szkielecików two - one male and one belonging to a woman. Of this we may look like scenes from the two saints were already half a year ago on the blog post about the scenery Romance ( link ). This time, however, we focus on one of the few pairs of saints, which exist in Christian culture - St. Daria and St. Chryzancie. It is because of these bodies were found in środkowowłoskiej cathedral. And what about this Onet is common? Well, the Polish news portal, has appeared on 25 April and 19 April have had time to issue of National Geographic documentary about the discovery as one of the sponsors of the restoration of the cathedral. As you can see, the Polish portals are once again far behind their counterparts overseas media ...
But the thing! Festivals Daria is one of those saints, they know everybody, but few know why she died in 283, the woman received the prestigious title of martyr. It is because this was a vestal, who converted to Christianity, her husband (hence the It also shows, together with Saint. Chrysanthemums), patroness of judges and courts, so I figure my profession very close to me. Her death, however, did not look that way, as it presented on the enclosed fifteenth-century illustration by Richard de Montbaston or any of his colleagues. A scene from "Life of the saints" of the French illuminator seems to be the stamp to the borders - as ignoring the behavior of perpetrators kneel and discover each other about their love and devotion. In the background, and placed the king, who was to deprive them of life (for many centuries, accept that he was the emperor Numerian, although probably the two saints commanded to kill his brother Karinus współrządzący Rome in this period). And the executioners themselves forward in any way deviate ago, as depicted in the scenes of the Flagellation of Jesus or other holy martyrdom. Excessive gestures, facial expression as if suffering from tonsillar hypertrophy and finally used by these tools clearly indicate that the convention portraying such scenes did not give a lot of boxes to show off and originality of the individual authors. A pity, because as I mentioned St. happening. Daria is quite unusual.
We discovered the remains described in the introduction, the cult of St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums actually been marginalized within the Catholic church. Without the problem of the two saints is true that we find in the liturgical calendar (October 25), it is not such events, such as "Barbórka" and "Midsummer's Eve." Indeed veneration had its apogee in the first millennium of Christianity, and the late eleventh and twelfth centuries, even moved out of the Alps. Today, however, is much more important holidays the role of the cult and iconography of the Orthodox Church (as shown on the attached next to the nineteenth-century icon - St. Daria is a woman most left), and Armenian. So the information stored mention St. Daria, allegedly lost her life with her husband in 283, the earlier was a vestal, but after a period of compulsory virginity (as befits a priestess of Vesta), had a grasp of her husband and his small group probably born patrician children. Then as one of potential candidates for her hand (and gusts lust and greed, and probably the rest of the body) appeared Chrysanthemums, a patrician son of the Egyptian, who moved to Rome with his father. It was in this city is aware of the "Bible" and even was baptized by a priest named Karpoforus.
Obviously this was met with the wrath of his father, who like in other szwarccharakterów of "Lives of the saints" spared no effort, and money to pull his son from the love of a decent and ... virginity. To this end, also had a teenage son to bring in prostitutes (o tempora, the mores!), And when and it failed arranged marriage with a vestal. This did not prevent But this in no way Chryzantowi, who convinced Daria to the Christian faith, and even to the fact that both lived in a state of "deterioration," the obscenity of the acts of love (how many more synonyms for the loss of virginity, I can come up in this text for the coloration of expression ...) . But when it seemed that both are Christians fell into the greedy and brutal paws tribune Claudius, who tortured and perseverance moved with his family adopted the new faith.
interesting to see whether a further stage in the history of St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums had an impact on the creation of iconographic theme, almost an allegory of purity, which in the image above shows the figure of Hans Memling ("Clean", c. 1475). As you can see, access to women is difficult, and watch over her two heraldic lions with typical facial expressions of this period, indicating that the artists usually do not see these animals in the eyes. Analogous treatment because there are mouths and on CD-Visscherowskich, and contemporary books about the world and its dziwach. In any event, we are interested in a lonely woman in rock. According to the legend of St. George. Darya, once the emperor shrift of Claudius (stands drowned, his wife and children to the galleys), the hare finally decided the other prisoners. Seeing the love of purity in the patron saint of judges forced her to ensure that this was a prostitute and this is how her husband broke the vows. The plan, however, burned to nothing, because St. Daria began to guard the two lions, which as you might guess were able to bite off little something potentially interested men (I could not find the information, unfortunately, from where they did the lions - or can, for example St. Daria befriended with them in prison where they were buried, after such animals for entertainment purposes, including the shredding of Christians).
Ultimately, the two saints put on trial Numeri (or what I have said probably Karinus) and he decided that they stoned, but before I die buried alive. So it was done (so wrong to Richard de Montbaston showing a sword and an ax), and the body was placed near the katakumbów on Via Salaria. This raises the obvious question: how come nearly complete skeletons Fulcheri Enzo Italian researcher from the University of Genoa found in the cathedral of the city known to all Poles as the place of laying the words "national anthem"? To explain the "travel" from the relics of revered late antiquity and the Middle Ages.
presented next to the facade of the cathedral in Reggio Emilia once you see an interesting character of this building, and thus built in the Romanesque style building, which was then about 1275 renowowano to finally give it a Baroque style, both on the main facade, and above all of the interior. Of course, most tourists probably draws attention to the portal sculptures of Adam and Eve, each of which guides oprowadzających the city says that clearly refer to the figures from the Medici tomb of Michelangelo. However, we are the more interesting discoveries inside. Two years ago (in 2009) found there, fourth-century pavement, so presumably the church stands on the site much earlier. But it can be assumed that it was moved here from Rome, both remnant saints? Dating does not give grounds for doing so more because "be shot" between 80 and 340 AD, is quite disputes, but it is known that a woman whose skeleton was found, was already early twenties, and was probably still a virgin. On the other hand, as complete relics are something so unique that their worship had to be planted soon after the death of people who have been found. And on their conservation status is received, that from the tenth century had been kept in the cathedral treasury, placed in a silver-gold busts.
To the ninth century, the cult of St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums seems to focus only in the neighborhood of Rome, and there is not much information about his popularity outside the city. So clearly this is a typical argument against classifying the findings in Reggio as debris this pair. However, at the end of the first millennium, the relics began to "travel" to Europe, therefore, that their portion was transferred to the Rhineland in the Prüm abbey, founded in 720, the more this is the place appears to be particularly interesting, although generally you will find information that some of the remains of St. Daria located in Vienna, Salzburg and Naples. Ok. 836 Abbot, Markwardt from this abbey founded a branch monastery in Münstereifel (away suddenly 50 km north-east), which is then at the beginning of the twelfth century it was rebuilt in the style of a prominent the illustration above. It is in these towns are relics of these saints, as evidenced by the call illustrated next to the church (a beautiful westwerk!) Is dedicated to St. Daria and St. Chryzantowi. So it would be useful to see how they fit to what was found in Reggio Emilia. But it was not the only place outside of the Alps, where such debris could be found. It is known that "borrowed" them on a trip to Jerusalem Fulk III the Black in 1011, then forgave himself strongly supported by the abbey Belli Locus (out of Beaulieu-les-Loches), which mainly focused was on the worship of the Holy Sepulchre.
As you can see, then, sitting in the front paws in the distance during the following this year's "El Classico" I have serious doubts as to whether they are having about 1700, said the skeletons belong to the two saints. I'm not a fan of a situation in which there is something and a total of podpasować can only form St. Daria and St. Chrysanthemums, because no other Christian couple do not correspond to discovery. You can, however, that these are indeed the remains of the remains of these saints, which does not change the fact that, and so should be treated with appropriate respect for the dead. Personally, I getcha down slightly so that if the remains prove to be false, then you will have to somehow get rid of them, "just to destroy them" (as stated by the Bishop of Reggio). Well, such is the history of the bones, they cease to be the relics, and become usual archaeological discovery ...
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Bang And A Weave Ponytail
As you can see, this time became the subject of the post-river, but at least pretty close to the time that the majority of readers now celebrating. Easter is in the end a period when Christians happy with the defeat of death by the Messiah, while Jews await the coming of his perseverance. This phenomenon is thus inscribed in the very foundations of both religion and it is not surprising that in Christian art seeks to show the Jews as blind to the words of the Good News. About how to be a fascinating subject that were taken in the Middle Ages will present the entry.
most allegorical and symbolic form of a well-known women. Lovely, lovely, and wearing dresses highlighting their charm in the same time suitable for portraying the ideals or other things without their physical counterparts. Analogously used in this ancient idea in the first centuries of Christianity, creating a Ecclesii and Synagogues, community embodying the followers of both religions. O "Ecclesii" he wrote to Saint. Paul, and later in the writings of the Fathers of the Church even distinguished two forms of the Church - "Ecclesia ex circumcision" (that is, the circumcision, which is made up of Jews who changed their faith) and "ex gentibus" (ie, consisting of the Gentiles, so that which currently include most of professing the Christian faith.) This here means "the people of Israel" could become even those who are genetically Semites did not have much in common.
Shown in today's entry Ecclesia (left) and the Synagogue (below) located at the portal of the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg (c. 1230), this late in the idea of \u200b\u200bportraying a solution of both religion and the fact that Medieval Christians believe the Jews were waiting blankly for the coming of Emmanuel. This division of the Church because the problem in two complementary communities appeared in the fifth century on one of the mosaics of the church Santa Sabina in Rome (c. 430). Moreover, the mere fact that to this day as worthy successors of Jesus considered St. And St. Peter. Paul points out that such a division in the Church is visible. This first in the church of Santa Prudenziana shown as head of the church was a "Jewish" and the latter because of the numerous missions as a church leader, "pagans."
It was not until the Carolingian era began with a greater commitment to focus on the distinction between Jewish and Christian religions, and not differences in faith. On the miniatures of this period (And their richly decorated with ivory covers), we see quite an interesting topic which is like a supplement to the scene of the Crucifixion. On one side of the dying Jesus was placed for the form of a woman which is without a doubt be interpreted as Ecclesia. Like the above that figure with the jambs in Strasbourg was presented as a woman triumphant, with the royal insignia, and especially the calyx. The importance of such performances is so obvious - the church is the mediator in dealing with God, which takes place mainly through the ministers of the sacraments. In this way, a reference was made to continue the many sectarian and heretical doubts as to whether it is necessary to separate social group devoted exclusively to serving the people of religion (such a solution, after questioning, to some extent Manichees, then the turn of the millennium and finally bogomilcy Cathars).
Besides Jesus placed a second form, which usually stood facing away from the Crucified One, though not recognizing the meaning of the event. It's easy, therefore, considered that it was a synagogue, and the same representation of the opposition of these two allegories became wildly popularne w okresie wojen krzyżowych. Trudno się temu dziwić, gdy spojrzy się na zachowanie walczących w krucjatach, które przejawiało się w niechęci nie tylko do Arabów, ale także rodzimej ludności Ziemi Świętej. W końcu wymordowanie kilkudziesięciu tysięcy mieszkańców Jerozolimy po jej zdobyciu podczas I krucjaty rzuciło się cieniem na antysemityzm wielu walczących, odnoszących się do biblijnych słów współodpowiedzialności Żydów za śmierć Chrystusa.
W przypadku Synagogi warto jednak zwrócić uwagę na atrybuty tej postaci, gdyż zwykle posiada ona bardziej zróżnicowane spektrum symbolizing her subjects. Triumph of the former religion before the advent of Christianity and to receive its "palm priority" as best reflecting the will of God is usually suggests a banner held by the Synagogue. In contrast to Ecclesii, the viewer is confronted with a broken spear, a fallen banner, and not kept prestige symbol of power. Sometimes, even the reference was to the ritual objects used in Judaism. Bloody knife referred to the animal sacrifices, which the Christians seemed to be no longer necessary after the Resurrection and the announced return of Jesus to earth. Finally, falling or smashed tables of the Ten Commandments easy to show a true believer that the priority should be no orders, "Old Testament" but Christ's words in the "New".
Rather, however, he who believes that only those humble attributes indicate a reluctance to contemporary Jews. Classical art of the Middle Ages to the "Hebrews" zaglądających pig into the mouth (or worse, the other shuns it) also appears in the version for the Synagogue. Appear to present an allegory because such Judaism, in which she rideth pig, thereby using the Bible (common to both religions) to show a pig, as one of the most heinous of animals. Add to this a standard part of dress of the Jews who were forced to wear it in accordance with the laws of some cities, such as peaked caps (for example, appearing in scenes of the Passion of lectorium in the Cathedral of Naumburg), it is immediately apparent that in most cases not treated Synagogues with such respect as Ecclesii.
course, at this point the reader should be obruszyć that after all of the figures from the Strasbourg show something completely different (and this slide will be completely accurate). This is because these characters exude dignity, women's bodies are shown according to the canons of contemporary art, and clothes make them an essence of the real world beyond the period of their inception. This follows from the fact that around 1230 there is a certain understanding of the changes Ecclesii and Synagogue, which is just visible in the church of the Virgin in Strasbourg, and in that time ozdabianym church in Bamberg. Portal, which indicates both sculptures he was a judicial venue. The synagogue is hiding his eyes, therefore, a distant echo of Themis comprised impersonation, although of paramount importance ascribed to Christ, and Solomon, placed in the tympanum of the portal between the two female figures. The importance of the whole is so readily apparent: in the words of St. Augustine Ecclesia is the equivalent of a real mother of a child from a known parables, the synagogue is the one who ultimately agreed to this and to halve it. Another of the interpretation also shows the relationship of the two forms of justice (the process during the Inquisition was there such a thing?). Christ in conjunction with two lovely women is the Bridegroom from the Song of Songs, "and these characters Oblubienicami. Such an eschatological meaning seems to dominate and then in subsequent centuries of the Middle Ages.
This is shown even stained-glass window from the end of the first Call. Fifteenth century cathedral of Saint-Denis, where in this way presents Ecclesia and Synagogue. The former is then crowned by Christ (the same way as in the scenes after the Coronation of the Assumption of Mary), while simultaneously breaking the Savior bandage my eyes a second form of cloaking. In this way, refers to an existing today in the theology of the Catholic Church's theory that the unbelievers can be saved, especially those who profess some tenets of Christianity (and therefore the Jews and Muslims). In the words of St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans as they eventually held on the Last Judgement they believe in the true God and profess the Christian faith.
depicted Jews as infidels in numerous ways, vilifying them for everything - from the killing of newborn babies, stealing pigs and other animals for the victims of the cult, poison the well, the maintenance of such conditions in the homes that most of the fires there, she begins (as it was even in Poznan, which ultimately provided the basis of Renaissance reconstruction of the city). The most But a nice way to present their criticisms were Ecclesii and synagogues - a nice fact symbolized the ideals of coexistence of both religions, is not always serene and happy, but acceptable. Despite the importance of changes in the Synagogue in the last centuries of the Middle Ages, religious conflict still persisted, as evidenced by the former, after the expulsion of the Jews in the fourteenth and fifteenth century, from more countries in Europe. Or maybe it was less than the size of Jews meant that their faith began to be viewed more positively? Well, that's another mystery, which requires analysis of the consciousness of contemporary Europeans.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
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Saturday, April 23, 2011
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Easter time is a great time. It is true that the public perception, they do not wash their holidays for Christmas, but there is no denying that they have within us the magic of an unusual charm. And like every Christmas is also characterized in that broadcasts with SMS wishes to heap a lot of my friends ;-) Usually, these requests are of the same text, but sometimes the pictorial. Today the very same picture requests will be made available to all readers (which I hope you enjoy it as much as me).
What characterizes these wishes? Usually, that I approach a topic of religious history indescribable by the Evangelists (what holiness is not to slander, and dogmas not to touch) and try to turn it in a comic joke. Yes, and this time, but instead create a picture of yourself, but this time I used an epoch-making work much more talented artists than me. On Photoshopowy "workshop" went so Giotto, Tintoretto and Caravaggio in their productions, scenes of passion. The scene in the Holy Thursday presented the last, so let's start from the history of the Easter Triduum.
"Capture of Christ" Caravaggio created in 1598, is known in two versions - one hanging at the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin and the other (perhaps also by Caravaggio or copy warszatowej), which hung in a museum in Odessa, but a few years ago, thieves have decided to bypass the security of the institutions and I have no idea whether managed to find a picture ;-) But back to the theme of the scene, about which my friend is just finishing his Magisterka form. Kiss of Judas - to present a rather unusual, because rarely in the arts in general are illustrated by a kiss dawanego one by the other guy. Of course, tributes Lenne and other types of kisses that recognizes people as equals or during admission to the fraternity, is a kind of standard, but a kiss, in which there is no betrayal of its rich tradition of iconography. Caravaggio did not have to deal with problems, however, as artists of the first millennium of Christianity, who are often not fully able to show such scenes. Tradition became established fact that Jesus stands at the center, does not bother her Rapture, and one of the parties comes an issuing student.
Caravaggio, however, change the scene 180 degrees. In the center we have in Christ, but Judas, the bark is a measure of the picture, Jesus pushes towards the edge of the picture, indeed, makes him an unusual inclination to. Even more places are occupied by soldiers dressed in armor, turned back to the viewer, absolutely useless, and yet deliberately included in this way by the artist. Most, however, happens in the background, where one of the disciples (Jesus) actually falls into a panic and somehow "cries to heaven for vengeance." So far the most important part of image under this title, and so the game visual contact between the faces zdradzanego and traitors, to Caravaggio is no less important. Christ did not look into the eyes of Judas, does not confront him, but turns sight, aware that the prayer in Gethsemane is not dismissed from his cup. "It is finished" is so for Caravaggio, much earlier than the death of the Cross - the fate of Jesus, seems to suggest an artist, he was already a foregone conclusion at night from Thursday to Friday. This is a shining point of the second objective paintings, and so the folded hands. Passivity and submission to the will of the people ... - not what you would expect from the Savior, King of the earth and the heavens.
Jacopo Tintoretto Venetian artist created the scene in 1568 "Crucifixion" who hangs out in the church of San Cassiano in lying on the lagoon city. Large formats of this work (341 to 371 cm) make it attracts widespread attention of the faithful and the public, but only after close to it you can see the painter's mastery of style, suspended between the mannerism and the Baroque. It is well known that in the case of the image center of a larger batch of paintings by Tintoretto drew from engravings Dirck Volkertsz. Coornherta, of course, with the same title. However, it is to focus on an entirely different problem visually interesting, this is a solution space in this painting. Christ clearly dominates all the characters, and even using the division which took place mostly in medieval art the Christ, he is triumphant, and not boleściwym. Placed higher than him only a man who had just given him to affix a label with the summary indictment (well, today is such that it does not write ...), but which, however, less eye-catching color viewer. This is what chiaroscuro hanging on the crosses of male bodies is that what the viewer to focus. Jesus and the good thief are symbols of suffering, and one course in no way at fault, and the other understands their sins and make something like a short confession.
artist completed the whole (which, incidentally, is typical of Tintoretto), the specific horror of dark clouds and a kind of "freeze frame". It would seem that such an approach the scene, which at one time going to a lot of things described in the "Bible" is typical, but the Venetian solved it differently. We do not lamenting Mary, Mary Magdalene and hiding his face in his hands St. John. In return, the lower left corner of the image lies in the position of the Blessed Virgin, in which it presented during the creator of Piet. It is expected therefore no longer the death come to terms with it and surprisingly do not despair. The picture and introduces her (and the viewer as well) St. John, showing an unusual gesture, to make it live, but do not be afraid. This specific approach your hand and look somewhat beyond the Gospel accounts, stating that he senses what were the real meaning of words with three days of erecting a new temple in Jerusalem.
I've always been curious, how is it possible that Jesus took Mary Magdalene as a gardener. Well, I suspect that in these times when the field conditions we see in the Holy Land was not too highly paid profession, if you had to be on my feet a few hours after the end of one of the most important Jewish holidays. With this, however, connects to the scene, "Noli me tangere", showing the moment they leave the Holy Sepulchre of Christ and Mary Magdalene year. According to St. Jan (John 20:17) Jesus had to ask her: "Do not hold me, I have not yet ascended to the Father." The story of Giotto's fresco of the Capella famous Scrovegni (dell'Arena) in Padua (1304-1306), however, is more complicated. It is true that this unique artist (as your time reference to history, described by Vasari joked that this is what occurs when the shepherd can pencil) is closely based on the "Bible", it added a few unique elements. Jesus once again was placed on the side of the painting. This indicates, therefore, that this picture is in itself a kind of "comic book", and my only balloons to highlight. First, because the viewer draws attention to the left side, where he sees sitting smiling angels and the empty tomb, "guarded" by the sleeping soldiers. Kimają they are so hard that it failed to notice not only of the Resurrection, but even kneeling Mary Magdalene next to them. Such a reading of the image once again shows one of the angels, extending his hand and guided his finger towards the other celestial companion of Jesus.
It is this angel is most interesting here. Very often the scenes of "Noli me tangere" is in itself a load of emotional, intimate, more friendly relations between the characters than the usual presentation of the Resurrection, or showing up after students. Fans of Dan Brown probably would seek confirmation that some also contained in his books, but this is a rather common type of illustration of this scene. The angel sitting on grave issue also appears on the resulting painting around 1350, the Master of the Resurrection, which is located in the Vatican Pinacoteca. However, greater attention should be paid to the other mural, located in the lower church of St. Francis of Assisi, and also created during the painting by Giotto made visible above the mural ( link ). Both paintings are largely similar - Mary Magdalene's robe may be slightly different Draped, no sleeping soldiers and you will see that the artist is at least a few classes weaker. The relationship is striking, however, and on this basis it is claimed that it could occur earlier (late thirteenth century) and that Giotto could be the author of this work. A little doubtful in view of its artistry, but perhaps suggested this painting and turned it yourself is a much higher quality look.
As you can see this joyous holiday, a reason for making the analysis of many interesting info about the paintings. I hope that no one can blame me for zażartowanie of these works, in particular, that means they were not to be controversial ... Maybe if they questioned the dogmas or something, but it's just not my style. So it remains for me nothing but once again wonderful Christmas wishes, and how it kumpela wrote in the SMS that I got a few minutes ago "by the time our dreams Easter remained in effect, that all requests were to meet in order to not run out of goodwill between us, we walk through life in human dignity, that symbol of the Divine Restoration was for us in order to fulfill "(large Marleno estimates for these requests.) Kisses!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Freeze Wrestling Singlet
Robert Crowell, Head of Development at OwnEnergy |
AWEA believes wind power development is stymied by an absence of long-term U.S. energy policies that would foster a more stable business environment. Utilities need that to support the industry more keenly and enter power purchase agreements.
There’s optimism in the air, though. Bob Crowell, Head of Development for OwnEnergy , is aware of the issues raised by AWEA but his outlook for the wind industry in the U.S. is positive.
“I believe there is a huge market for wind in the United States. So much depends on the recovery of the economy; if the economy recovers, renewable energy will continue to rebound, wind in particular because it is still the most affordable renewable energy.
As demand for electricity picks up, that will increase the value of new wind power projects”, he told Energy Refuge in a recent interview.
OwnEnergy develops community wind farm companies, which means smaller wind farms built in partnership with landowners. “The community model basically means we involve local partners”, says Mr. Crowell, whose job is “to look after new developments and start relationships with local partners.”
And what’s in it for potential OwnEnergy partners? “They have ownership share while we provide them with know-how they may not have. They may be successful entrepreneurs in their community but they may not have developed wind farms before so we help them through that process”, Mr. Crowell explained.
As to official support and incentive packages, Mr. Crowell has no doubt that “clear public policy is crucial. That’s how governments encourage businesses to behave the way they do from a strategic perspective. If the government wants people to get married, they give them a tax break to get married; if the government wants people to build wind power, they give them a tax break to build wind power. You need predictable policies that allow manufacturers to know there will be a steady market and be willing to build the infrastructure necessary”, he said.
Despite producing renewable energy, the wind power industry sometimes meets opposition from those who consider turbines an eyesore. There are also concerns about bird collisions against the structures, which in the U.S. kills between 100,000 and 400,000 birds per year. What can the industry do about that? “Not all the public believes that wind is an eyesore, but the vocal public seems to think there are visual issues with wind”, Mr. Crowell said.
He added that previous studies have shown that people living near wind farms thought they were great. As to wildlife, he defends the wind industry saying its impact relative to fossil fuel is very low and says the spotlight put on wind on this issue is unfair. “The wind industry has been very pro-active in trying to learn from past mistakes. We are very open in our development process”, he said.
(Source: , posted by APasolini, March 4, 2011)