Friday, May 6, 2011

Poem About Cellular Repisration


accordance with the implicit assumption for this blog addresses the issues of art and visual culture, which are extremely hard to find in other books devoted to their different visual artifacts (and therefore the works of art and objects whose characteristics do not allow for such a noisy classification). So, this time under caution, an entry about how relying on racist ideology, and manipulating history in the nineteenth century "sold" violence against the newly empowered social groups, they were African American. And how this made? Transmission standard in the political and ideological content of this century was the use of leaflets, newspapers, comics and all types of lithography and the use of paper. We did not use so much of the bill because of the still high cost of production of propaganda in this way. This change occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century when, even in the First World War to dominate the manipulation of human minds (in 1918 in Canada was conducted for the purpose of government research in this area, and then that poster was the cheapest means of propaganda in relation to its effectiveness).

ku klux klan

illustration is placed near one of the most common forms of manipulation, which was used by the organization (and close to her White League). Triumphant white male with a sword trampling black former slave directly refers to the manner in which the Archangel Michael and St. George crossing a dragon. For this illustration, that primarily focuses on the first biblical character, which after several visual transformations and change the attributes made the embodiment of male strength, determination, or even the personification of behavior that only the most degenerate mind of minds can be called "eligible". It easily can be seen, however, obvious reference to American national iconography, and thus promoted in the first half. Nineteenth century (and especially during the Civil War and after it the following year), an allegory of the United States. It is then that Thomas Nast, sometimes called the "father of American comic book, created and propagated topics such as Columbia, Uncle Sam, animal symbols, Republicans and Democrats, or even in 1863 the Holy Nicholas as a bearded guy (instead of previously used to present a high youth).

very difficult to determine the evolution of propaganda, which benefited from the Ku Klux Klan, but it is easy to see the gradual phasing out of field of expression used by the organization. Except for the rare, dramatic situations, such as lynching of 20-year-old Michael Lynch of 1981 ( link), you can see the evolution toward other forms of impact on the audience. Actually, the interwar period (when there is a lot of "sharp" caricatures and comic illustrations, pointing his blade against the church Catholic) propaganda of the Ku Klux Klan are only slightly bend under political pressure. What was even more inclined to intercept any other content that exist in a pluralistic American society, as seen with the use of DW Griffith's famous film "Birth of a Nation" (1915).

griffith - birth of the nation (plakat)

Pictured next to the poster promotes one of the most important achievements of the silent cinema in Hollywood. For a long unaccustomed to the audience director epic based on clearly racist novel, prepared 2 hours and 45 minutes of the film, describing the war Secession and the period of reconstruction or wound healing after the Civil War. But when you look at this film (because of its artistic importance was reconstructed and digitized - link), you can refer the impression that the director, whose father had shed blood in the Confederate armies sought to establish if his own vision of a divided and not united with back in the nation.

story is in fact very simple: first, in the first part there is war in which the camera is obviously liking the side of "southerners", and the most striking is the scene where a loving mother with pain in the heart of sending children to the front. The action is based on the conflict dividing the couple's love of two families, representing respectively Unionists and Confederates. And the fact that, despite such a long film, Griffith did not even outlined other issues underlying the civil war than the ratio for African-Americans, clearly demonstrates that it is hard, "Birth of a Nation," regarded as a reliable historical source (unless, as a source of conflict after the reception Fifty years after its completion).

Ku Klux Klan has treated this film as well propaganda tool. Second part of the story, when former slaves take over the quasi-bound nature of the census region (Griffith suggests because viewers thought that the purpose was the sole winner of the war and were just African-Americans) is fitted for proclaiming the argument about how important is the role of "white hoods. " Even more evident was the presence of the Ku Klux Klan in the 20s politics It was then escalated to terror organizations, and victims were not only African-American residents of the United States, but also Jews, Mexicans, Catholics, and even whites. One of the most well-known history from this period concerned the women living in Georgia, which was wybatożona for immoral conduct and niechodzenie to church. By analogy with the perpetrator got the her 15-year-old son, who rushed to rescue tired of her mother. Can thus be seen that this racist organization wanted to impose authoritarian standards of behavior. Similar situations also occurred outside the states of "southern". In analogy Klasnsmeni Oklahoma got the girls who went with her boyfriend for a ride by car.

drzewo rzymu - alma bishop

This dispute with the positions Catholic Church resulted from the relationship of local religious compound called Pillar of Fire Church, who led Alma White, ordained in 1918 the first female bishop in the United States. In 1925 she published the book "The Ku Klux Klan in the prophecy," which was illustrated by another cleric (Branford Clarke), from which comes attached next to the illustration. This prolific writer (35 publications) considered members of the KKK for the new apostles, nay, even called them good Samaritans. Another book excerpts explained that the "creative" the role of the organization was already foretold in the Bible and the Catholic church (and to a lesser extent Protestant) were determined as departing from his religious vocation. As you can guess the rest of the text complement the stories and ironic derogative remarks addressed to the Jews and other minorities. Interestingly, however, strongly supported the Alma women's equality, but of course only those with fair skin ...

union as it was

These few illustrations of these shows in very clear ways to manipulate the recipient. Creating fear and concern among discriminated against and forced to silence those who are with the policies they disagree with the KKK - is a basic form of propaganda used by the organization. But I must warn readers that this is the peak of the drawings are not persuasive, they are perpetrated hooded racists. There were in fact pictures of tormented people in cruel torture, tied to trees or lying on the ground, and around them standing proud members of the KKK (some even do not have the inherent time hood, but the photographer posing with a smile.) It is hard to believe what man poisoned ideals racism may be capable of ...

Almost every propaganda met with counter-propaganda. This illustration is a member of the KKK and the White League shows this very clearly. This Thomas Nash made in 1874 for the poczytnego and opinion-magazine "Harper's Weekly illustration of this here. As you can see African-American family presented the suffering, the school burned in the background and possibly a family member hanging from the tree. Signature, that now the situation is "worse than to slavery," and that there had been "lost to" fulfill the ironic and poignant undertone graphics. Sam smiles and the "face" as a hooded spectator irresistibly suggests that the emancipation of former slaves did not give them the promised benefits, they are still reliant on the mercy of local perpetrators, making deal with racism and pseudo-religious ideology based on hunting and feeding people their suffering.

These few illustrations are just a drop in the sea of \u200b\u200bsimilar performances, many of which (especially the photo) is not suitable for publication on the website, which may accidentally come across children or people with a sensitive nature. It should however be borne in mind that Yet this type of propaganda is constantly there. Creating the negative images of other nationalities or races, assigning each character traits, or even divine mission was inherently included in various types of genocide, which the experienced people in the twentieth century and the beginning of this century. In this example, however, is easy to see on what level is this manipulation that, in the case of an even more evocative of the media (like film, television or Internet) to try a little bit on the immunize her. Susceptibility to manipulation because it is not determined solely from consciousness, as was done by transmitting the content political, religious or ideological. To resist it is necessary also a strong moral backbone and intelligence that enables to predict the effects, why these and not other content are transmitted to the masses of society. And this openness, intelligence and a sensitive conscience, and readers wish ...


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