Oh, that's bad Google! As usual on Wednesday night they did a weekly backup of blogs (or so they say) and how to take blogging all over the world could see something has gone wrong tact. The effect was predictable: 20.5 hours unable to enter their blogs by Americans, an even greater number of hours when blogs have remained in a "read only" and in addition I wcięło post from Wednesday about devils. Fortunately, most of the texts starch from Windows Live Writer, so I was able to restore the post, but what they have do those who create their creative entries, pour thoughts zerojedynkowy system by using a dedicated Blogger dashboard? Well, it was - had passed, however, for its part, sorry about those who could not read the entry of English painting. And if something else with you, dear readers, does not work, I ask for info in the comments and I'll try to fix it.
But to the point, because the criticism is true that Google is one of my favorite hobbies, it is not the most important. Today's entry will be as bloodthirsty as the last. This time does not double the mouths of the devils, not Italian volcanoes, or alcohols otumaniające KKK or racist images ... Time for something he knows a few passionate art lovers of Mexican surrealist heritage, and so painfully experienced by Frida Kahlo and a lot more talented Diego Rivera. This is the artist created in 1960 published an autobiography in szumnym, but predictable, entitled "My art, my life." There has startling (to the reader ready to believe the artist) a vision of how a fast-maturing teenager tasted human flesh.
Let us first So the voice of the painter, who became famous even murals such as the above work with the National Palace in Mexico. Well, Rivera says that in 1904 (and so would be equivalent to 18 years) in order to make myself a better artist, and further on the knowledge of human anatomy, he began to attend a course of Medical Schools in the capital. There he learned that one of the Parisian fur traders decided to improve the quality of their goods in such a way that animals fed the bodies of the weak, the dead animals. As a result, had achieved this entrepreneur have the effect of the fact that he reared cats grow up to be bigger than average, and their hair was more lustrous. It thus has already had ancient roots of the theory that you are what you eat, just in this case did not apply, and instead fell within the then popular theory of eugenics.
course, could not only end up in animals. History of fact, he got acquainted with Rivera, was continued in this way that a clever trader with a better product on the market quickly defeated the competition, which however did not give up. One night the unknown reasons, someone opened the cage overgrown cats (already had to count a herd of thousands of animals), and they mastered not only the building where they were held, but also a nearby hospital for the insane. The contemporary "yellow press" loved those stories, and probably very many of them produced, and the mass culture of the time opanowywały similar type monsters like Frankenstein (also the effect of the risk they carried a medicine and engineering), Jekyll and Hyde or vacuumed history of the Jewish Golem. Rivera probably in this way, or from a physician who advocated the power of authority a young boy he learned the terrible nonsense that only the police took the order at Paris, and this form of feeding cats meat of their kinsmen was banned in France.
easy to guess what thoughts were circulating in the minds of students of anatomy, eager to duplicate the experiment in evolutionary creatures reportedly higher than cats. D. It is true that Rivera does not specify who, but I notice that some of his buddies decided to bribe the people working in the morgue, and acquire a body that is found there. Of course, most enjoyed taking the newly umarli, a to z czysto estetycznych (sic!) i smakowych właściwości (kto by chciał jeść gnijące mięso?). Tym oto sposobem miał ów przyszły czołowy surrealista karmić się przez okres dwóch miesięcy i jak sam zauważył, jego zdrowie polepszyło się.
Teraz następuje etap, na którym wierne Czytelniczki tego bloga powinny wykrzywić usta, próbując sobie wyobrazić ulubione dania Rivery. Aż boję się wierzyć tym jego wspomnieniom, jakoby najsmaczniejsze zdaniem artysty były kobiece nóżki i piersi (osobiście te części ciała niewiast wolę the live objects), which in total would be predictable, because in the end we eat similar bodies in other animals. As a curiosity and for the readers of his autobiography, added that in addition to the two parties are also admired in the women's ribs and women's brains in vinaigrette sauce. Well, it only remains for me as a man dumnemu say that you probably do not wcinał the male body parts, which for thousands of women already know that we take them into his mouth ...
;-) But let's be serious, because the whole story was a little Diego taught. Then he wrote that he never more of something like this will not do, given the hostility of the society in this regard. Worse, even tried to convince that this is not nothing wrong, because his own example shows that cannibalism did not have to involve killing. I am personally touched by others but most of his speech, which ended this półtorastronicowy description of his experiences: "I believe that when a man will evolve to a higher civilization than the mechanized but still primitive much, eating human flesh will be sanctioned. Then man of all stripes are irrational prejudices and taboos. " When I first read these words, some two weeks ago, many bristled the hair on my head (Readers who know me know that and so I usually terrible "shack" with the rebellious strands). There remains, however, I enjoy that now on a higher level of economic development commonly known as knowledge-based economy, the Mexican painter assumptions are not realized ...
posthumously released autobiography of the artist (died 1957), however, is only an autobiography, and we all know how This happens with such writings. Or someone wants to assign a higher merit than not worthy, or "whitewash" involved in adverse events, or dims from beginning to end about an event. Perhaps if Rivera was similar (I hope so) and more such words were in his autobiography because of its sharp, polemical character. If, however, that cannibalism refer to the art of Rivera, it would seek clarification on his fascination with the Aztec culture and history of their native land against the invading English conquistadors. Well for Rivera cannibalism was purely a Mexican contribution to the history of civilization, on a par with dance Jarabe Tapatio, or tequila. Of course, this position can easily be argued. For example, this dance, which in times adolescent Diego has become a symbol of Mexican identity, not derived from some distant tradition, but was invented by nineteenth-century composer. Similar perceptions so ritualistic human sacrifice hardly a methodologically correct when it comes to analyzing the history of Mexico.
hard not to mention the fact that Rivera's position was not isolated at this time. About cannibalism even read the books of J. Verne 's, a, and Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" was inspired by the supposedly okropieństwami, experienced in the then Belgian Congo. Or maybe we analyzed the artist was inspired by the work of other avant-garde painter, the late Brazilian kubistki Tarsili do Amaral? Her works are divided usually divided into two periods - the so-called. pau-brasil (named after a local plant, translated into Polish as brezylka thorny) and Cannibalist, sometimes also known as antropofagiczny. In the second period, a much more important for the development of art in Brazil, managed to Tarsiili fully combine style of Cubism, Leger and the ideas of national style of work. The name derives from the literary manifesto, which was published in 1928 Oswald de Andrade, being impressed by the freely given to him by the artist's work called "Man Eaters" (in the original work was in a language called Guarani tribe "Abaporu"). The painting shows a great figure with large hands, feet and head. In the background, plus painted cactus and the sun. What is therefore important that work? If you look at the paintings Amaral at the end of the 20s and early 30s, You can find a common element in their interpretation. It seems that Brazylijce depended on this, to show that through the development of art is to take ideas of Brazilian culture, "West" and their adaptation to local environment, resulting in a creation of an entirely new quality. But here is meant as Rivera when he spoke about breaking taboos and traditions as a teenager? In my opinion, to a large extent, yes, but on this issue alone, let each reader to form his own opinion.
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