duck meat is not fashionable, so it is very hard to buy fresh. We managed to shoot two breasts with the skin, just on Sunday dinner for two.
tradition of Polish cuisine. For me with new potatoes and beetroot berries aunt. I think that would be delicious with grits.

recipe is slightly modified recipe choco cincin forum.
2 duck breast with skin
3 onions 2 apples
100 ml balsamic vinegar
half cup broth cubes
salt, pepper, marjoram
fat for frying (butter clarified)
Duck Breast wash, cut their surface skin and the whole pour the balsamic vinegar, rub with salt, pepper and marjoram. Let stand for 1-2 hours.
półpiórka onion cut into the apples in półtalarki.
fry the onion and add the apples, stew a while (until the wilderness juice).
hot fat in a frying pan, place duck skin down and cook until skin is browned appetizing golden brown. Meat
turn and immediately pour broth. Simmer about 10 minutes and added the previously podduszone apples with onions and herbs. Simmer together covered about 30 minutes, so they broke up an apple, and of course it was not raw meat Get.
duck came out juicy, soft, aromatic ... Exactly as I wanted. Highly recommended!
PS. My beloved had bought a new lens to the camera. Photos are now PERFECT.
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